Roger_Waldrip  Freshman Member


  • OK. I found out that even though I set up an account as an additional administrator, SSH-server did not get the addition of the new administrator (or anybody). It will only let the original admin account login into it. I am slowly learning that the "OS" behind the Zyxel NAS540 is just OSS software that has been modified…
  • It does support port forwarding, but the "WebServer" portion would still have to be present. I would just like for the Zyxel NAS540 to just let people go directly to http://SERVERNAME or http://SERVERNAME:5000 (since I could do the port forwarding) and start serving up the web pages (another words, the index.html would be…
  • I thought I had read around some of the forum that you need to access the NAS540 device via SSH to do something's (like modifications). I don't have a specific need at the moment, just trying to prepare for the future.
  • Got it. I don't know how I missed it. Thank you so much.
  • Where on/in the phpMyAdmin web app do I do this? I can bring the phpMyAdmin page up and it seems it work, but I see no where to change the root password.