SMB2 and 3 nothing Zyxel lose every day custemers for bad firmware support
Another usefull: into the app to implement an VPN mode client's ON-OFF from smartphone, actually is frustrating to log everytime for make changes.
1. Update the system OS and minor updates2. Verify on router if you have channel 2.4G: 40 and 5G: 44 (less interferences) 3. Update the wifi driver card with last updated from support-model asus's website4. Use the wpa2 for more standard
client proto udp remote 6179 resolv-retry infinite nobind dev tun persist-key persist-tun topology subnet auth-nocache auth SHA256 auth-nocache cipher AES-256-CBC tls-client tls-version-min 1.2 tls-cipher TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384 remote-cert-tls server fast-io mssfix 1390…
ok, è molto probabile che tu risolva solo cambiando il canale del 2.4 e del 5ghz. Ciao
Ciao dovrei farti qualche appunto prima: 1. Scusa ma 28/10 intendi 28 2,8mbps o 28mbps?2. Il supporto risponde solo in inglese, come avrai notato tutte le sezioni sono EN.3. Stai scrivendo su un sito per prodotti Zyxel e chiedi supporto sui tplink?!? forse ha più senso su FB dove trattano più marchi.Il TP forse è solo…
yes about G5 that read randomly right-fail an ssd in ntfs/fat mode and the share is super bugged.Howether yes APFS as alternative, if windows file system is hard to "eat". The guide omits witch file system to use for share. With win10 specially in 2021 is useful SMB3, why the smb1?!?
And to use microsoft auth? I don't like google.
Zyxel_Can said: There is a pool or vote?
From the phone it's ok.. try
Me too, i've try from usb and online but nothing.
Yes i know the structure of a VPN, actually one example config with check on: Lan1, Lan2, Lan3 and wifi 2.4 are VPN ON (IP masked india) and Lan4 and wifi 5 VPN OFF (IP real real uk) This situation have 2 external IP In same time enabling a second VPN "Jap" config you can do for Lan4 and wifi5 ON modeIs not impossible use…
Yes i see but is more nice using for example: vpn1 "LAN" USA, vpn2 "Wifi" JAP or make a white list for exclude some website that need a local localization as Dazn, netflix....Every time for streaming i must:-To make off all the vpn in Armor's setting or -Lan "on" and wifi "off" and to see the straming from wifi
The Armor G1 is obsolete and Armor G5 have nice skills (speed wifi, range wifi, vpn client and a 10gbit lan but not yet mature the firmware: great hardware but bud support from zyxel, both G1 and G5 aren't with a complete firmware. I think is more nice the G5 because have a lot of functions.