ok, habe einen Teil des Fehlers gefunden, das NAS hing in der config in einer anderen IP range (dritter Teil der IP Adresse, hoffe das heisst so) Jetzt hab ich direkt wieder zugriff, auch die Laufwerke, komme aber von aussen mit ...MYDS... nicht mehr rauf .. werd noch bekloppt.. jetzt jemand ne Idee?
great, thought so but was not sure. Thanks!!
Hi, ok, thanks for that open answer. Sad to hear as I want to use the device control etc One lasat question: Whats better then, Fritzbox - Multy (WiFi) - switch for the connected devices or Fritzbox to Multy and Fritzbox also direct to switch? Thanks!
its just 2 gigaset A320 Handhelds
its just 2 gigaset A320 Handhelds
good question. I got some fix IP Adressen for my NAS and Ports open. As I said... I am not that good with these things ;-(
Hi, today I got 2 Siemens gigaset connected direkt to my Fritzbox. As I would like to use the old fritzbox more and more only as a modem question was if it is possible to connect the phones to the Multy
Hi, ok, thanks. Than I will return them and wait. Too long to keep them and hope.