Thx, I have read an older datasheet without this data ;)
I have a second question. What is the min. power consumption when simply running the XGS1930 (no connections, no SFP+ Modules)? I only found the max. power consumption of 24.6 Watt.
Thanks, Kay :)
today i have tested the NWA5123-AC-HD on a Zywall 110, same settings, same clients and i get around 600 MBit/s. Looks like the USG60 is the bottleneck.
Yesterday i have tested the NWA5123-AC-HD as "stand alone" and get 600 Mbit/s out of the box. In the next days I will get a Zywall 110. Perhaps it has something to do with this:
So the difference is only that the USG has included the 1 year licences and the zywall not?
I have done the diagnostic, and now?
My Handy (the first in the List) who don't do anything will bring down the transferrate of my NWA-5123-AC-HD to 60 Mbit/s, but not when i change the AP to a WAC6103d-i? I dont think so. netsh is not available on my OS, but here are the connetion infos. I do the speed test around 100 times, also with different settings I…
Yes, for the test i used a channel where no other WiFis working. Bandwidth limit was set to 0, set it to 160, no effect Multicast set to 6 to get the best range
The configuration was managed by the Zyxel USG. All settings were identical, also the channel while testing I disconnect the NWA5123-AC-HD from the cable, than conect the WAC6103d-i. So cables are also the same. Us I know the netto transferrate is around 40%, so 300 Mbit/s on a 867 Mbit/s is normal to me.