Hi @NeillMcG, NAT mode non-supported models disable any SSID with NAT mode enabled, so please check if your model is supported NAT mode.The supported list can be checked on the NAT mode option as below screenshot.
Hi @SiSZyComm, Here's suggestion for your reference. 1. SSID setting on NWA1123-AC PRO - set SSID "intern" to VLAN20 - set SSID "guest" to VLAN10, and enable intra-BSS and L2-isolation to let the connected wireless stations be not able to connect to each other. In L2-isolation, please add the USG port 7 mac address and all…
Hi @SiSZyxel, The NWA1123-AC PRO supports only standalone or cloud mode. So, it can't be managed by the USG110. Please consider to use Nebula if you want to manage the APs via a control center. Thanks.
Hi @Wojtas, Did you test the radius authentication yesterday? Would you share the result to us or if there's any problem, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Hi @JP_atomit, Just added your suggestion to WLAN idea in below link.
Hi @Wojtas , Would you PM me the files that you collected? If the station connects on the first AP twice, would it pass the authentication at the 2nd time connection? If it's not available to attached file via message, would you please put it in a cloud server and share a link to download it?
Hi @JP_atomit, Currently, there's no way to set other NTP server on Nebula AP. The DHCP option 42 is not supported on AP. If you have related request, please let me know and I'll help to created a ticket as a feature request.
Hi @JP_atomit, After checking detail of the APs, the time is incorrect, so the logs and information are shown incorrect. Please check below firewall information to set the firewall rules and after the AP gets correct time, the client information will be shown correctly.
Hi @EleanorWyatt, Did you check the VLAN setting of the switch ports as we replied in previous post? Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have set the VLAN on the switch ports but still can't access wireless.
Hi @JP_atomit, Thanks for replying detail of the issue. After checking your site, the issue is still happening, so we created a ticket for tracking this issue. I will update for you asap.
Hi @Wojtas, After we checked the issue, it's related to the mechanism of connection between the AP and the Radius server, so we'd like to check more detail of the AP models and connected client info. May I know your AP model name?
Hi @EleanorWyatt, Did you set the VLAN tagging on the layer 2 switch? The VLAN100 is tagged, so the ports connected with the AP, DHCP server, and gateway, should be the member of the VLAN100 with tagging. If the AP connected to the controller directly without problem, the configuration of the VLAN should be no problem. If…
Hi @Wojtas, Thanks for providing the setting information. After doing a test, we can reproduce the issue you mentioned and start to check details. I'll update for you asap when we get any progress.
Hi @JP_atomit, Is the organization in cloud saving mode? Or, do you mean that the issue symptom is like client number display incorrect? Would you share a screenshot to show the incorrect client number page? Would you share the organization name to me and enable Zyxel support as below screenshot for us to check detail of…
Hi @Wojtas, I used my NXC to do the test and set the radius server like below screenshot. When the first server is not able to connected by the station, the station can do the authentication with the backup server and connect WiFi. For checking more detail of your issue, please help to collect diagnostics in MAINTENANCE>…