It's strange that on the virtual device the 2.4 WiFi is off and the 5G WiFi is on while in reality both lights are on.
thanks Using an external media converter to transform FO to electrical ETH works (port2). By inserting the technicolor GPON (2.5Gbps/1.25Gbps-(FTTH SFP GPON Technicolor AFM0002TIM)) module into modulo SFP (port1) to the ATP100W It still don't go online.
the atp100 will be ONT (optical network terminationi) at home
I would like to use the SFP gpon module of the ATP100 to connect directly to the FTTH ADSL line....
Schema a blocchi di una rete GPON. Vengono utilizzate, nel complesso, tre diverse lunghezze d’onda: 1490 nm per la ricezione, 1310 nm per la trasmissione e 1550 nm per i servizi in overlay.
the Vlan to configure to por sfp gpon - via WAN User Vlan Dati 835 User Vlan Voce 837 User Vlan Video 836 Vlan Gpon Dati 100 Vlan Gpon Voce 101 Vlan Gpon Video Multicast 3585 Tipo Segnale Ottico GPON