And now, an hour and 23 minutes later it is working.
There was a reboot/pending cumulative update waiting for a system reboot when I first attached. Prior to that was a servicing stack that was installed 2+ weeks before this issue. I tried rebooting the system to complete the pending update, also tried removing/rebooting both updates going back to 7/7/2022, but neither…
Unfortunately, as most of you have probably experienced before, the WFH client left me limited time access to the system, after 2 solid hours of various remote troubleshooting measures, we scheduled to have her bring in the system to the office for evaluation. Oddly enough, she tried it this morning before bringing in and…
Also, I am able to connect from another PC using the same credentials at another users home.
Looks like it corrected shortly after I sent you my DM. Did you do something to correct the issue?
I sent a DM to you. Thanks!
Thanks! Removing the KB seems to have fixed it temporarily. At least until Windows reinstalled it. I've had to lather/rinse/repeat a few times now. I've found the following from Microsoft stating that disabling Vendor ID can be done server side to alleviate the need to uninstall the KB multiple times on multiple user PCs.…
Stew, I've received some setting change recommendations, and sent the log files to Silvia for further diagnostics. Will update the thread once it gets resolved. Brad
Silvia, Thank you for the response. I have sent a message with the org and site name to you.
Unfortunately, That setting is already disabled but thank you for responding. Truly appreciate it.
Not looking to get into a debate on the ethical and practical choices to use a wireless network at a medical facility, suffice to say that the we have taken the required measures needed by the partnering hospital to meet/exceed HIPPA Compliance. Their IT department was militant, as they should be, in making sure our set…