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Hi Triceratops, The mechanism of signal threshold to do the roaming is now default disabled on NAP. So there's no exact signal strength threshold value to disassociate stations. NAP won't disconnect client even when the signal is poor. If the customer see the disconnecting behavior, it'll be the stations' action to…
Dear @SYK , We've considered it into the plan, the application patrol will be more friendly for user to set the profiles. Thanks for your response!! :3 BR, Nebula_Charming
Dear @JCHEN , 我們討論過後覺得這個想法的確可以讓使用者更直覺地去做查詢,所以已經將它列在之後的執行計畫中,感謝您提供的寶貴意見 :+1:
Dear @WebberIT and supporters, It's really a great idea and here's a great news! This idea has been selected into our plan. Let's look forward to it. :grin: BR, Nebula_Charming
Hi all, We're so glad to inform you that this features has been included in our Phase II which is going to be launch in June! Stay tuned! :lol:
Hi BichTran, The [Network Manager] is not used to manage the Nebula device. The support models are listed below as the screenshot. Please use [Nebula Mobile] to monitor/register the Nebula devices. Our Nebula Mobile Apps currently supports lite functions such as monitoring/ QR code scanner and mounted devices by uploading…
Hi BichTran, We've tested with an android phone (HTC A9 android 6.0.1) and it looks fine with the login box. Try with 3 accounts, they can go through the login page successfully and see the org/site/devices. Is App the latest version (1.0.5)? Please check the version of your phone and App first and reply with the symptom…
@Triceratops Nebula is designed for cloud network management, it's unreasonable to disable auto-provisioning. Just like @Iwannaquitthegym said, if the auto-provisioning is disabled, NCC will be a remote monitor not a control center. If you want to setup the configuration before deploying, you can register the device and do…
Hi Wolf, Nebula產品相關的介紹文件可以在Zyxel官網找到 下載相關資訊連結:http://www.zyxel.com/tw/zh/products_services/smb-nebula_cloud_networking.shtml?t=c NAP的規格比較有列在"解決方案指南"裡面 ftp://ftp2.zyxel.com/Nebula_CC/solution_guide/Nebula%20CC_v2.pdf 附上NAP比較表截圖 官網也有中文的簡介,一起提供給您參考…
@RUnglaube Only Facebook in Phase II.
Hi Chacha, There's a Locator LED that you can control blinking to let customer help to find the specific devices. The control function will be implemented in Phase II updates in June.
Hey guys, The function to login with Facebook is just in our plan! It will be implemented in Phase II by May. Let us look forward to that! B)
Hi Yasuto, So delighted that you've raised many practical ideas for us! Actually, the auth-cache feature is already there, the cache time for each user is 5 min. You can also pre-define the behavior when NCC is unreachable under "AP > Authentication" If there's any question while trying, please let us know.
Hi JohnM, No worries! It's a normal behavior after you make any configurations when devices are associating with NAP. The clients will be disassociated due to the radio off/on for configuration changed. We've noticed that might cause confusion to users and we're planing to add a notification for the effect of configuration…
您好, 已經有計畫修改event log的搜尋方式讓使用者更方便使用,各位的反應是我們前進的動力,感謝!