templates for organisations
to start with this, you have to know how we work. we have many the same kind of customers. Al the same kind of jobs. So all our setups are basically the same. I think it would be nice for us. (and maybe others) when we could make one template, like:: the same kind of setup of firewalls the same kind of setup of Access…
Vlans overview topology
We are busy with exploring the posibilities with Nebula. We always used the basic version. But from now we use the pro license. So we got more options. The topology is nice, but a little basic i think. we use vlans, but you cannot explore the topolgy of a specific vlan. Like, i have vlan5, which devices can access vlan 5,…
SAML authentication / Nebula Cloud authentication
It would be nice if Nebula could authenticate users via SAML. WPA Enterprise with "Nebula Cloud authentication", authenticated by eg. Azure AD
Position Device > Mobile Router > Use the Cell Location
When positioning a device in Nebula could you add an option for the Mobile Cell Location which would help to locate Mobile Routers: Thanks
Integration of Secureporter in Nebula
Hi, I would like to have Securereporter data directly in the Nebula console without opening a new page. In essence, the two portals can remain but starting from Nebula I would see them directly as an integral part and not as an external object. Thanks in advance :)
Add Hardware Monitoring Support for Nebula Firewalls
@GiuseppeR recently inquired about hardware monitoring for Nebula firewalls. Based on his suggestion, we would like to propose a feature request to support this functionality in Nebula. You can view the original post here: If you also support this idea, please vote and leave a comment. Votes and comments are key factors in…
It would be very appreciated if you implemented the possibility to create and use the objects as on-premise devices. Thank you
MAC table export
ability to export MAC table from switch to xml / csv
SSL INSPECTION on Nebula for USG and ATP devices
PLEASE. It's essential to add support for ssl inspection in nebula for all devices (ATP and USG). Without ssl inspection, antimalware and sandbox features are useless! It's urgent and critical today.
Building plan
Its nice to locate the AP on a map but it would be better to overlay the building plan and even show wall types, then a theoretical heat map could be shown to give an idea of potential low powered areas or black spots. It could only ever be theoretical but is would be good for planning rollouts etc to minimise this problem.
Enhance CDR Email Alerts with including organization name
@GiuseppeR suggests improving the Collaborative Detect & Response alerts by including the organization name in the email content. This would provide clear identification of the source, especially for companies with multiple sites using similar names, enhancing quick response times. This idea was initially raised in the…
Common client management actions are currently missing
Hello, Over the time spent managing my devices in nebula I've found a few shortcomings compared to other home/prosumer platforms. I'll enumerate them in order: Client devices are wrongly marked as wired or wireless and there is no direct way to correct it beside waiting and praying. Other brands just let me mark the device…
Display organization name for alert notifications
The alert push notifications sent from the smartphone application should display the organization name, instead of the site name. Or at least we should be able to choose which of the two.
Topology: Custom Devices
Allow users to add custom devices, with some basic info like type (firewall, switch, …) , name, mac and ip address, to complete the topology, if not every device is in nebula. That would make topology far nicer and much more useful.
FWA710 support ESIM
User @skivy71 proposes FWA710 supports ESIM If anyone likes this idea, please feel free to leave your comment or give it a vote. Original post
Implement WiFi 7 MLO for Smart Mesh Connections
User @jj38100 proposes that the MLO (Multi-Link Operation) feature of WiFi 7 be implemented for Smart Mesh connections in Nebula WiFi 7 access points. This enhancement could significantly improve the performance and throughput of the mesh network. This idea was initially raised in the following discussion: Please help to…
Nebula firewall supports virtual interface
User @AHGJSoree proposes that Nebula firewall can support the virtual interface feature from this post If anyone likes this idea, please feel free to leave a comment or click vote.
Enhance Nebula Firewall Port Interface with Color Coding for Link Speed
User @Pook has suggested an improvement to the Nebula firewall port interface to enhance troubleshooting and overall user experience. Currently, Nebula firewalls display port status with only two colors: green for linked ports and grey for unlinked ports. To provide more detailed information, it would be valuable to…
Really need Multi-Org Firmware + Licensemanagement in Nebula
Plus the ability to sort on license expiry date column…
Allow overriding captive portal redirect URL as a hidden POST param
When using external captive portal Nebula only offers 2 redirect options: Stay on Captive portal authenticated successfully page, and; To promotion URL All other vendors providing captive portal allow supplying a redirect URL parameter that can override the default redirect value configured on the controller. Our captive…