Why my SCR firmware is locked on Nebula?
To check the firmware status you can follow the steps below: 1.Navigate to Site-wide >Configure>Firmware management 2.Go to" Devices" and will see the Availability status is “Locked” It indicates that the firmware has been updated by our Zyxel Official Agent, and the firmware corresponds to a specific environment for…
How to change my site name on Nebula?
1.Navigate to Site-wide >Configure> Site settings 2.Go to "Site information" and you can change your site name on this page.
How to change the security options for wifi SSID?
1.Navigate to Site-wide >Configure> Access points>SSID advanced settings 2.Navigate to the Network access 3.You can switch the security option on this page.
How to turn on Alert settings on SCR device?
1.Navigate to Site-wide >Configure> Alert settings 2.Navigate to the Security Appliance settings and select the option to enable alerts for both 'gateway offline' and 'VPN connection established or disconnected' events. 3. Click "Save" to save and apply the Alert settings for your SCR device.
How to avoid web cache affecting functional testing?
At times, certain websites may not be blocked by the content filter due to cached data in the browser. To avoid web cache affecting functional testing, you can follow below steps to clean the cache on your browser. Take google chrome browser as an example. 1.You can go to right upper panel and click three dots>More…
How to enable MSP Alert template on SCR device?
1.Navigate to MSP cross-org manage > Alert templates 2.Click “Create” 3. Field in Email recipient and enable it. 4.Navigate to the Security Appliance settings and select the option to enable alerts for both 'gateway offline' and 'VPN connection established or disconnected' events.
What is the maximum VPN subnet does SCR support?
SCR 50AXE support maximum 8 subnets on each device. When the VPN rule reach the maximum (8 subnets) the VPN cannot tunnel cannot be built up
What is the maximum NAT rule SCR50AXE support?
SCR 50AXE support to build 10 rules. When the NAT rule reach the maximum (10 rules) the warning message will pop up, when it reached to maximum, the configuration is no able to be saved.
[ATP/FLEX] What is the maximum number of VLAN interface supported on each operation mode?
Question: What is the maximum number of VLAN interface supported on nebula mode and on-premises mode? Answer: Nebula mode On-premises mode USG FLEX 100 8 8 USG FLEX 100W 8 8 USG FLEX 200 16 16 USG FLEX 500 64 64 USG FLEX 700 64 128 ATP100 8 8 ATP100W 8 8 ATP200 16 16 ATP500 64 64 ATP700 64 128 ATP800 64 128
Reosolve “Device is already registered by another user”, however, Nebula QR is missing? (Firewall)
Scenario: Suppose you've purchased a used firewall and wish to add it to your Nebula site, or you've unregistered your firewall from Nebula cloud mode and want to transfer it between organizations (where each organization belongs to a different account). You encounter the message: "Device is already registered by another…
How to configure SCR Site to Site VPN while one Site is behind NAT?
To build up Site-to-Site VPN tunnel on Nebula while one Site is behind NAT, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to Site-wide > Configure > Security router > Site-to-Site VPN 2. Config Nat Traversal: Customize the WAN IP address of your SCR device. 3. Configure Site-wide settings: 1. Activate the tunnel. 2. Specify a name for…
What is the maximum VPN tunnel SCR50AXE support?
SCR support to build up 3 VPN tunnel in one site. When the tunnel reaches the maximum (3 tunnel) the warning message will pop up, when it reaches to maximum, the configuration is not able to be saved.
Is it possible for SCR to function as a hub within a VPN orchestrator on Nebula?
SCR 50AXE only support with spoke site, it is not supported to set it as a hub. When configuring SCR as a hub will pop-up an error message. Model SCR only supports with spoke site.
[SCR]How to build up non-Nebula VPN tunnel?
To build up build up non-Nebula VPN tunnel on Nebula, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to Site-wide > Configure > Security router > Site-to-Site VPN 2.Configure Site-wide settings: 1.Activate the tunnel. 2.Specify a name for your VPN tunnel. 3.Enter the public IP address of the peer site. 4.Define the private subnet of the…
How to check VPN connection status on SCR 50AXE device on Nebula
How to check VPN connection status on SCR device on Nebula Navigate to Site-wide > Configure > Security router >Site-to-Site VPN 2. The connection status will display as “connected” when the VPN tunnel is working. The connection status will display as disconnected when the VPN tunnel set up failed. Note: We do not support…
How to open the port on SCR device
To open the port on SCR device up, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to Site-wide > Configure > Security router > Firewall 2. Click on "ADD" to set up policy rule and provide the following information: Please provide the following information when adding your policy rule: protocol, selected destination as the device, and…
[ATP/FLEX] How to check the bandwidth usage by client?
Question: How to check which client was using a huge amount of bandwidth via the firewall on nebula? Answer: You can go to Monitor > Summary report to check the top clients by usage.
Will my firewall be applied to the Nebula configuration when under cloud monitoring mode?
No, it will not apply Nebula configuration to your firewall under cloud monitoring mode. It will keep your on-premise setting.
[SCR]How to set up a vlan for wifi SSID on nebula for SCR device?
1.Navigate to Site-wide > Configure > WiFi SSID settings 2.Click Add SSID network 3. Turn on the "Advance mode" 4. Click "Edit" 5.Navigate to Advanced settings, where you can assign a VLAN ID to the Wi-Fi SSID profile. 6. Once you have configured Vlan ID for your SSID settings. Click Back 7.Once you have made the changes,…
[SCR]Does SCR50AXE support syslog server?
The syslog server settings in Nebula can be found at the following location: 1.Navigate to Configure > Site settings. You can find the settings on this page, However, SCR doesn't support SYSLOG. The function will not work on it.