How to turn off Wi-Fi on model SCR 50AXE
Navigate to Configure >Security Router > SSID settings Disable the enabled button, then the Wi-Fi on SCR 50AXE will be disabled.
If I select a wrong license in a shopping cart, how to cancel it?
To cancel the selected license, you can go to shopping cart and click the remove icon on the right of the field. If you have more questions about purchasing a license, you can contact us
Does the Elite Pack license can assign to the firewall series?
The Elite Pack License is available for the USG LITE 60AX and SCR 50AXE hardware models. For more information, please refer to the link below: https://www.zyxel.com/global/en/elite-pack
What is the LED light status on USG LITE 60AX?
The following are the LED status of USG LITE 60AX For more information, you can refer to the User Guide What is the LED status when blinking between from amber and green on the USG LLITE 60AX? Fast Blinking between amber and green ( 300 milliseconds interval): The Zyxel Device is booting up Slow blinking between amber and…
What should I do if my USG LITE 60AX is not connecting to Nebula?
Check your internet connection: Log in web GUI and check the wan settings, you can refer to the following link below how to check if the WAN connection for USG LITE 60AX? Verify the device connection: Make sure the USG LITE 60AX is powered on and correctly connected to your network. Reboot your devices: If the issue…
How to check WAN connection for USG LITE 60AX?
To access the local web GUI, connect an Ethernet cable directly to one of the LAN ports (1-5), then open a web browser and enter the default IP address: After logging in, go to Configuration > Network > WAN Settings, then click on Connection Test to check if the connection is active.
How to Connect Sonos System to Zyxel SCR 50AXE
To connect Sonos System to SCR50AXE, please update your SSID profile's security mode to WPA3. Follow these steps: Go to Site-wide > Configure > Security Router > SSID Advanced Settings > Network Access > Security Options. Change the security mode from WPA Personal with WPA2 to WPA3. After applying the settings, wait for…
How to setup Nebula VPN for security router?
When your sites are under the same organization on Nebula, you can enable Nebula VPN to establish a tunnel between the two sites. Navigate to Site-wide > Configure > Security router > Site-to-Site VPN Enable the Nebula VPN Select the Nebula VPN topology to Site-to-Site If you are not using the Public IP, please enable the…
How to allow the port on Security router?
Navigate to site-wide > Security router > Firewall Go to Security Policy To configure the firewall rule to allow a specific port, follow these steps: Click Add New Rule. Configure the following settings: Enabled: Enable the rule. Name: Give the rule a name. Action: Set to Allow. Protocol: Choose the protocol you want to…
How to access USG LITE 60AX local web gui?
To access the local web GUI, connect an Ethernet cable directly to one of the LAN ports (1-5), then open a web browser and enter the default IP address: If you are unable to access the local web GUI, please check the LAN interface IP address of the security router. Refer to the article below for more…
How to check the Lan Interface of Security router(SCR 50AXE/USG LITE 60AX)?
Go to Site-wide > Configure > Security router > Interface The default LAN IP subnet settings for the security router are
How to collect diagnostic file on Security router USG LITE 60AX Local WEB GUI?
1.You need to access local web GUI. 2.Go to Maintenance > Diagnostics > Diagnostics > Click "Collect Now" After the collection is done, click "Download" the diagnostic file to your computer
How do I specify which AP/Security Router should broadcast the SSID on Nebula?
Navigate to Site-wide > Configure > Access points > SSID settings If you have at lease one AP in your site. For each SSID profile, you can select the AP or security router to specify which device will broadcast the SSID.
Does Elite Pack include Nebula Pro Pack?
Yes, the Elite pack include Nebula Pro Pack, if you have already enabled Elite Pack on security router, you do not need to enable Nebula Pro Pack. Note: When the Elite Pack is expired, your security router still able to prevent the threat If you would like more information, you can refer to the link below.…
How to set up second DNS for LAN clients on security router?
Navigate to Site-wide > Configure > Security router > Interface Scroll down to the DHCP server settings and configure the DNS server for the LAN clients.
How to reserve IP/ set up static IP on USG LITE 60AX?
Here are the steps to set up static IP for the devices 1.Go to the section Site-wide - Clients 2. Select "Client list" 3. Choose the category as "Secuity router clients" 4. Select a client which is connected to SCR device and click "Policy" and select "Reserve IP" Or you can click Add Client to set up the static IP address…
How to check the clients wifi signal strength on Nebula?
To check the signal strength of the client which connected to the security router Navigate to Site-wide > Clients Click the filter icon on the right and check the box for Signal Strength to enable this display option. And it will be able to see the signal strength in the Nebula client list.
How to config LAN interface for security router ?
For model :SCR50AXE/USG LITE60AX Go to Site-wide > Configure > Security router > Interface The default LAN IP subnet settings for the security router are You can click the edit icon on the right to change the IP address. Don't miss this great chance to upgrade your Nebula org. for free! Flag Like Search
If my WAN and LAN IP address are on different subnets, can the LAN subnet access the WAN subnet?
Yes, it is possible for the LAN subnet to access the WAN subnet, provided that the appropriate routing and firewall rules are configured. The security router will hande the routing between the two subnets allowing traffic to flow between them.
How to set up WAN setting for USG LITE 60AX on Nebula?
To config USG LITE 60AX WAN settings, you can go to Nebula. Navigate to Site-wide > Configure >Security router > Interface Click the edit icon on the right You can select the WAN type under the Interface properties