USG Flex 200H - Strange CPU usage
Hello everyone, as you can see with 1.21 firmware you have a strange CPU usage graph: In my case I have about 25% on Core1 and 25% on Core2, while Core3 and Core4 are at zero value. May I miss something somewhere else? To be exact these are details for each CoreX:
Transfer USG1100 config to Flex 500H
Need to change firewalls at location. Is this possible? 3rd party utility available? Doesn't appear to be supported via usg configuration converter.
Block network access when security policy doesn't comply
Hello everyone, Question, is it with zyxel possible to auto block network access from network clients when they doesn't comply to our security standards. For example: When an client is infected with ransomware, would it be possible that zyxel detects it, and block all network access of this client? I know other brands has…
USG FLEX 100 - 5.39: Loss of Internet Access after update
Had a unit auto-update this morning and since restart has not allowed internet access. No internal devices (LAN or VPN) show any logs for WAN access, even with the security policy set to log for approved and deny. Was working perfectly fine until the update. No errors found, no config was changed, only the firmware update.…
Who uses virtual interface please post
Please post if you use virtual interface and if you can how.
USG210 - No “Content-Type: text/plain;” header in email report.
My firewall (USG210) sends me logs via e-mail. They are e-mails in TXT mode. The email program receives them and reads them correctly. But the anti-spam program (MailWasherPro) cannot display the contents of these e-mails (even though the source code is displayed correctly). In my opinion, the reason for this is that the…
What is the EOL date for the USG20W-VPN?
USG LITE 60AX - VLAN assignment
how do i allocate VLANS to port interfaces of the USG LITE 60AX?
Possible ARP spoofing attack
I have a problem with an access point (NWA130BE). It happens that suddenly two different MAC are coming from the same device. The LAN MAC is 48:xx:xx:xx:17:c7 and should receive the IP via the static DHCP table. But suddenly the AP comes with the MAC 48:xx:xx:xx:17:c8 and gets an IP via DHCP. The firewall…
Flex 200H - Dual partitions for upgrade
Hello everyone, I needed to upgrade this firewall remotely: And everything was OK: But I see only one partition available for firmware test. Wouldn't it be better to always have the double partition available? An easy way to have also the "Standby" one instead of only "Running" one like I have on all other Flex/ATP series?…
Flex 200H - Time needed for reboot to regain contact with Nebula
Hello everyone, I updated to a custom firmware the 200H to check a software upgrade, so I was able to reboot it manually via Nebula Configurator. Well done. My question is related to time needed for reboot, is it normal to see the firewall offline for about 12-14 minutes? Thanks a lot
Fehlerhafte Anmeldung mit zweiter Mac Adresse an Router trotz klarer statischen Zuweisung
ich habe an der Digitalisierungsbox Premium 2 (auch von Zycel, früher Bintec Elmeg) das Problem, dass ich an einem LAN Port eine Zyxel USGFlex50 VPN (Firewall USG20W-VPN) angeschlossen habe. Die USG hat vom Hause aus zwei Mac Adressen. Bei der Registrierung bei Zyxel wird diese mit der MAC Adressendung E6 registriert. Der…
linux client ssl vpn
Hallo, Is it possible to make atp 200 firewall ssl vpn from Linux client? Is there an agent or configuration file available? Thanks.
Buying an SCR50 AXE
Can the SCR50 AXE also be purchased and used by private persons or is this device reserved for company customers only?
VPN stopped working
VPN300 V5.37(ABFC.0) So today I found out my VPN link was down so on my Flex200 I tried disable and enable the rule no help over to VPN300 I disable and enable now its up and running again not sure if it will happen again.
USG Flex 700 5.39 (ABWD.0)
Installed yesterday newest update 5.39 (ABWD.0) but SSL VPN connection does not work any more. SecuExtender gives error Code 9: No answer from Gateway. Someone else with same issue? Thanks in advance
2FA - two factor authentication | Auto setting Authenticator
Hello, Good morning, I'm using a firewall with several local users, two-factor authentication has been activated (especially by email) and it works correctly. I was wondering, is it possible to allow the end user to independently create the authenticator (google auth) without an admin enter in user management to enable it?
Flex200 doing lots of trace route by itself
USG FLEX 200 V5.38(ABUI.0) So I have a way of allowing USG to connect to its servers by VLAN443 and I allow it to route for HTTPS looking at Wireshark for all my taffic I was seeing some ping requests I tracked it down to the Flex200 and see I was blocking port 4335 so I routed that down VLAN443 and it connects fine looks…
WBE530 (Wifi 7 AP) management with APT AP Management
hello on the website of the wbe530 it is described that the access point can be managed via a local controller (https://www.zyxel.com/global/en/products/wireless/be11000-wifi-7-triple-radio-nebulaflex-pro-access-point-wbe530) on a current ATP 500 5.38(ABFU.0) / AP Firmware V7.00 Patch 2 I cannot find this accesspoint in…
USG FLEX 500 - Internet with fixed IP does not work.
Hello, we are facing a problem with the USG FLEX 500, where we have an internet link with a fixed IP that does not work on this firewall. It is not possible to access the internet, not even to ping the internet link gateway. However, when testing this same link with the same fixed IP settings on any other device, the…