Zyxel USG 60 map IPSec VPN connection
Hi, I have configured IPSec VPN connection and everything works when I'm accessing remote VPN resources from LAN. What I need is to map defined TCP port from specific external public IP to VPN resource. I've tried creating NAT virtual server rule as: source interface/IP: as WAN/external computer IP and destination IP as…
IP Reputation: False positive
Hi, this website: www.orizzonteshop.it [Online Shop] got blocked by IP Reputation. Signature information: Version: Release date: 2023-07-03 19:31:34 (UTC+01:00) IP Reputation category: Exploits/BotNets/Phishing/Anonymous Proxies Currently i've manually whitelisted it. Thank you
Bonjour, Besoin de votre aide svp! je n'arrive pas à accéder à internet dans mon lan
à cause de mon zywall usg100, que faire ?
Protocol 50 problem with windows 11 L2TP/IPsec
Zywall 110 V4.73(AAAA.2) The settings for the VPN are fine you reboot Zywall then just have windows 11 connect to the VPN which fails I see port 500 happen then Protocol 50 go to Zywall but nothing back. If I connect the PC to 4G to connect to the VPN by NAT so UDP 4500 it connects fine then connect by wifi again like…
Self signed certificate expired now my IPSEC vpn users can no longer connect
Self signed certificate expired now my IPSEC vpn users can no longer connect
Zyxel USG FLEX 50 - temperature check
Is there any way to check the temperature of the unit with GUI or CLI?
USG 50 Defaul Wan_Device Policy
Hello, I am having great difficulty with my ISP not authenticating my USG Flex 50. They have suggested I make sure PPP traffic is allowed through the WAN interface and have provided me with the gateway of the PPPoE session (100.64.x.x) so I may allow traffic from that address through the firewall. Any pointers on how I…
Since two days no Secureporter files
hi, since two day I do no receive any secureporter files (zyxel security reports) Daily, weekly reports are enabled, but no files. Do you have any hints to look for me Thx Chris
USG Flex 200 -> Block dangerous ZIP domains
How to block dangerous ZIP domains in USG Flex 200?
ZyWall freezes. Only a power restart helps
Hello. I have a ZyXel ZyWall 110 installed, it has been working for several years without problems. Suddenly it started to freeze, at the moment of freezing the local network, the Internet stops working (sometimes the RDP connection does not break). If I disconnect the network cable, the indication on the port remains (the…
ZYXEL USG FLEX 100W and Adding AP
Is anyone using an extender with AP Mode on the ZYXEL USG FLEX 100W? Suggestions of an inexpensive extender with AP Mode? This is just to connect one Cam. Thank for any help!
USG FLEX 100 has problems in SecuReport registry device
I have the fallowing problems when I try to registry our USG Flex 100 in the SecuReport Service. thanks
Warning 30006 and Error 30036
Hi, im trying to get the license sync but unfortunately i got before the warning "licenses are syinching now please wait, and now after 3 hrs the error 30036 cant connect to….. How i can solve and got the license? I add also Domain Zone Forwarder but without any success. Thanks and regards Renato
IPSec Diffie Hellman group DH20 issues?
Hi, I'm currently trying to establish a IPSec VPN tunnel with my USG Flex 500 ( V5.36(ABUJ.2)) to a Palo Alto firewall to a customer. The settings do match between us but the connection can't be established. The debugging from customer side indicates that the Palo Alto uses ID 20 but from my side it reports ID 12 which…
Older firmware for USG20VPN
Hi, I have a USG20 VPN that needs to be updated.Current firmware is 4.62 The latest upgrade says "If the firewall running with previous version then ZLD5.00, we recommended
upgrade to ZLD5.10 C0 or later version to Standby partition first before
upgrading to ZLD5.30" And the notes for firmware 5.21 (oldest available at the…
Looking to move up as the USG40 no longer handles the internet connection (maxes out at 400mb). So getting a USGFlex200. To migrate would I run the converter from USG40 to Flex100. Then is there some manual items to edit in the config to make it Flex200 compatible? Just hate to have to enter all this manually over again.
My Avast premium security is telling me that i have an open port in ZyXel
Apparently this is a problem, how do i close the port? where can i login to do this
ZyXEL SecuExtender 2FA build in App
I really want to use 2FA for IKEv2 VPN icm AD integration, but what stops me from using it, is that you have to enter the 2FA code in browser after browsing to the firewall. Can it be build in the app like from Barracuda?
Timeout NAT session
Good morning everyone, I have this question: What can happen to the firewall if it blocks 4 to 10 access requests every minute? Could it affect some devices on the internal lan that need to maintain active NAT sessions? Because sometimes IP phones show "No Service" for 1 or 2 minutes and then come back to work. I have a…
Limit bandwidth USG 210
Hi, I have problem with USG 210. I changed my connection with fiber line with 200Mbps. But if i do a speed test always I get values below 100Mbps. Where could the problem be?