zyxel vmg8823-b50b problemi di velocità di connesione
Ciao amici del forum, sono Antonio ed ho un piccolo ma grosso problema con questo modem zyxel vmg8823-b50b. Da circa un mese ho acquistato l'offerta di Infostrada Wind-Home Fibra 100 MB in download e 20 MB in upload. Purtroppo da circa una settimana la velocità della fibra, misurata dal sito http://www.speedtest.net/it,…
Can't connect smartphone and ZiXEL via wi-fi: 802.11ac and 802.11g. What can i do?
Hello, friends. My new smartphone Samsung Galaxy S7 uses Wi-Fi 802.11ac, but my ZyXEL P-660HTW EE - 802.11g. What can I do? #CPE_February
AMG1001-T10A NAT problem
Hi, My home network is behind an AMG1001-T10A ADSL router and on my only desktop computer connected at that time, I saw a connexion attempt which was blocked by my firewall: 16:20:58.878937 rule 0/0(match): block in on rl0: > UDP, length 0 16:20:58.878947 rule 0/0(match): block in on…
Certificate of this forum is out of date
Using this forum is difficult because certificate is out of date. #Others_February
Router VMG8924 - how to update the firmware?
I have downloaded new firmware for this - or is it software? - but having downloaded the files there are no instructions re how to get the new stuff into the router's brain? Does anyone have any ideas please? #CPE_February
wifi password on PLA4201 v2
How do you change a wifi password on PLA4201 v2 #PLA_February
SBG3500-N bridge mode/VLAN 4 IPTV
I have a SBG-3500-N with the most recent firmware. This is connected on a bonding VDSL line from the dutch provider xs4all. Xs4all deliveres their triple play services through VLANS and uses VLAN 6 for internet and VLAN 4 for IPTV (VOIP is not relevant). I can get the internet working without any issues. However the TV on…
how do i check my PLA connect to a fine power line
my PLA is 1800Mbps see the transfer rate in 800Mbps to 400Mbps sometime will drop to 100Mbps in ZYXEL PLA configure software and what is the Windows file transfer rate between two computers. #PLA_February
Problema wifi con zyxel VMG8823 50b
Ho da pochi giorni ricevuto questo modem dal gestore telefonico di Wind-Infostrada. Purtroppo dopo aver collegato il tutto a FTTC ed avere via lan un down di 65MB/s upload 17MB/s, mi sono accorto che in wi-fi (5 Ghz) ho un down da 2MB/s e upload 1,3 upload. Qualcuno può aiutarmi? #CPE_January
Cannot login to support site
Hey guys, I just created a new account on http://support.zyxel.eu/Support/30062/30085/en-GB/Account/Login but I cannot login. There is no error message shown but the login form. I use the latest versions of Chrome and OSX. Any ideas? #Others_January
Extras adaptor
I have a Zyxel PLA4201 v2 500Mps mini powerline adaptor. Is it possible to add another adaptor and if so what do I buy? #PLA_January
Problem with the time scheduling with zyxel 8823 50b
hi, i have a problem with the time scheduling of my zyxel 8823 50b. I want to setup an active time between 07 in the morning and 01 in the night, but it says that is not allowed because 01 is littler than 07 -.- ....it goes only to 23:59 and more is not allowed.. solution? #CPE_November
VMG8924-B10A Wireless Problem
I recently received this device when I changed ISP. * The first device worked OK for a few days, and then lost all wireless communication. After rebooting, all of our wireless worked again with no change to the phone, table and printer. * The ISP replaced the device. I reconfigured it using a backup from the original…
LTE4506 WLAN connection very poor
I recently upgraded to a LTE4506 (latest firmware), and since I have that device the WLAN connection is very poor. Very often Chrome (latest version on latest OSX) displays connection errors and sites fail. Also on the tablets (Fire tablet with latest version, iPad with latest iOS) pages don't load or take forever to load.…
LTE4506: SMS count is wrong / no special chars shown
When I receive messages on the LTE4506 it warns me on login that there are i.e. 6 new messages - but only 3 are displayed. Also the messages don't show the special characters - they are replaced by a tilde. Can you please fix those issues? #LTE_January
Port forwarding
I have wireless ip cameras that require port forwarding. I have the Zyxel 4381 router. I cannot find any manualthat is complete on the net. The camera has it's own ip address and port that needs port forward done but the router asks for more info than what I have. Can someone guide me or get me a reference on what is…
contraseña router zyxel amg 1302 t-10c
No puedo ingresar a la configuración del router como administrador ¿como puedo lograrlo? #CPE_January
LTE4506-M606 often occurs disconnection
Hello, I have to buy LTE4506-M606, now is the use of 3G SIM card, often occurs disconnection, after about 5 to 10 minutes, it will automatically connect up, I do not know what is the situation? Please advise, Thank you!! #LTE_December
Hello, since last firmware update, i've got a sim error after few days. Simple reboot via interface fix it. Does any one has this issue and a solution ? Thanks #LTE_January
How to link/bridge two AMG1302 routers?
Hi all A quick explanation on what I am trying to do. I have a Zyxel AMG1302 router in my current office at home. Everything works perfectly. I am converting my garage into my new office space which is on the other side of the house and wi-fi in the garage is very poor. I have a 2nd AMG1302 router that I am wanting to hook…