Good News Keeps Coming!
Since the start of this year, Zyxel products have earned numerous accolades, including awards, high scores, positive reviews, and recommendations from around the world. Check out the highlights from January to early October below! (And of course, the good news doesn't stop here!) EMEA Germany Techtest: A look at the Zyxel…
[ATP/FLEX] When WAN1 comes back online, why does the traffic continue to stay on WAN2?
Question: I have configured Weight Round Robin setting from Nebula firewall and also setup WAN2 interface as Backup interface. But why the traffic still keep on WAN2 interface even the WAN1 interface has fallback completely? Answer: The firewall will keep the old session on WAN2 interface until it has transmitted…
How do I check the DHCP-related settings of an interface using the CLI on a Nebula firewall?
Question : For troubleshooting purposes, the user may want to check the DHCP-related settings of an interface using the CLI on a Nebula firewall. This article will guide you on how to do that. Answer : Regarding this article: How do I check the interface-related settings using the CLI on a Nebula firewall? The user can use…
How do I check the interface related settings using the CLI on a Nebula firewall?
Question : For troubleshooting purposes, the user may want to check the interface-related settings using the CLI on a Nebula firewall. This article will guide you on how to do that. Answer : The user can navigate to Site-wide > Configure > Firewall > Interface to check the current interface settings. Additionally, the user…
How do I display clients from a specific subnet in the ARP table using the CLI on a Nebula firewall?
Question : How do I display clients from a specific subnet in the ARP table using the CLI on a Nebula firewall? Answer : The user may want to check the current clients from a specific subnet for troubleshooting purposes. They can use the CLI command show arp-table | match "subnet IP range" to do this. For example, the user…
How to check the DHCP IP assignment in the event log?
Scenario : For troubleshooting DHCP IP assignment issues, the user can use the event log to check whether the DHCP IP assignment was completed. Answer : Navigate to Site-wide > Monitor > Firewall > Event log > Choose the Category as DHCP, specify the time duration, and then search it, as shown below: The PC gets a DHCP IP…
How do I execute SNAT for a specific WAN interface on a Nebula firewall?
Question : How do I execute SNAT for a specific WAN interface on a Nebula firewall? Answer : For instance, if the user wants to specify that LAN1 clients should use SNAT via WAN1 or WAN2, please navigate to Site-wide > Configure > Firewall > Routing to add a policy route. Choose WAN1 or WAN2 as the Next-Hop, as shown below:
[ATP/FLEX] How do I allow a specific lan client to access the device on a Nebula firewall?
Scenario : How do I allow a specific IP address to access the device on a Nebula firewall? Answer : For instance, if a user wants to allow the IP address to access the firewall and deny other clients from accessing it, please refer to the steps below to set it up STEP1. Please navigate to Site-wide > Configure…
[ATP/FLEX] Does the Nebula firewall support IP/MAC Binding feature?
Question : If an on-premise firewall user switches to a Nebula firewall, does the Nebula firewall support the IP/MAC Binding feature like the on-premise firewall? Answer : Yes, the user can navigate to Site-wide > Configure > Firewall > Interfaces > lan interface > Static DHCP table to add it. Please refer tot this FAQ :…
Guest WiFi is not working. It's connected but no internet access, do you know why?
Question: Guest WiFi is not working. It's connected but no internet access, do you know why? Answer: Go to Configure > Access points > SSID advanced settings > Advanced settings > Layer 2 isolation, enable Layer 2 isolation, and add the DNS server's MAC address to the white list, next to the gateway's MAC address. It…
[Nebula] What should I check besides raising session limit when I keep reaching the session limit?
Question: I keep reaching the maximum session. In addition to raising the value of the session limit, what else should I check? Answer: By default, the session limit per host is 1000, and sometimes we may see event logs like "Maximum sessions per host(1000)". At this time, the PC host may encounter service outage because…
[ATP/FLEX]How do you setup failover with 2 ISP providers?
Scenario : Users may want to set up a dual WAN configuration with two ISPs for WAN failover purposes in case one of the WAN interfaces fails. This article will guide you on how to set up this feature. Answer : First, please navigate to Site-wide > Configure > Firewall > Interface to check if the firewall is configured for…
[ATP/FLEX]How to check multicast DNS packet in the firewall?
Scenario : The user may encounter a problem where there is traffic related to port 5353 (multicast DNS) being dropped by the security policy, but they may not know which client IP is generating the traffic, as shown below: This FAQ will guide you on how to check it. Answer : The user can utilize the CLI command "show sdwan…
[ATP/FLEX] How to assign a static DHCP IP address to a specific client in Nebula?
Question : The user may want to assign a static DHCP IP address to a device on the internal LAN network for specific usage. How can this be configured in Nebula? Answer : Please navigate to Site-wide > Configure > Firewall > Interfaces > lan interface > Static DHCP table. Here, you can add the DHCP IP address and the…
[ATP/FLEX] Why am I unable to access the internal LAN network through the remote VPN?
Scenario : The user may encounter an awkward situation when successfully establishing a remote VPN connection (such as L2TP, IPsec VPN) but cannot access the internal LAN network resources. This article will outline possible reasons for this issue: Answer : To check the security policy if the remote VPN IP range can access…
[ATP/FLEX] How to configure a VLAN interface with DHCP server in Nebula mode?
Scenario : The user may wish to configure a VLAN interface with a DHCP server. This article will guide you on how to deploy a VLAN interface with VLAN ID 10 and DHCP server. Answer : Please navigate to Site-wide > Configure > Firewall > Interface > To add a VLAN interface then configure Interface Properties, IP Address…
[ATP/FLEX] How to change Wan IP from DHCP IP to static IP on Nebula Firewall?
Scenario: The user may wish to change the WAN IP from DHCP IP to static IP due to switching the ISP provider. This article will guide you on how to deploy it. Answer: STEP1. Please refer to below FAQ article below to see how to enter your Nebula firewall…
[ATP/FLEX]How to configure a NAT rule for remote SSH access?
Scenario: The user may wish to remotely access the internal device from the internet, as it is a convenient and secure way to manage the internal device. This article will guide you on how to deploy it. Answer: Please refer to the below topology and its settings. Topology : The internet IP( ⇒ internet ⇒…
Award-Winning Excellence: Where Quality Meets Recognition!
Time flies, and we're already halfway through 2023. During the first half of this year, Zyxel's products have garnered significant recognition and prestigious awards from industry-leading media outlets and influential groups worldwide. We are truly grateful for these honors and are excited to share the good news with you.…
[ATP/FLEX]How to configure DHCP domain name on Nebula?
Background and Scenario: Where can I configure the DHCP domain name using USG Flex and ATP in Nebula mode? Basically I need the Zyxel DHCP Server to populate the Connection-specific DNS Suffix with our local domain name. Answer: Please refer to the below steps for how to configure it: SETP1. Navigate to Firewall Configure…
[ATP/FLEX] How to Set up DMZ on Nebula
is a feature to create a public zone in your network so that you can put your
public servers in that zone for public access. Its typical rule is to allow
traffic from WAN & LAN, but disallow traffic from DMZ to LAN. Although
currently, you can’t find the “DMZ” option on Nebula Control Center menu, you are still able to…