JohnnT  Freshman Member


  • to Mijzelf: Thank you for your suggestions on page 120 of the manual. At last it worked ! Now I can access the 2nd. disc via GUI or Windows Network access…..Many thanks for your patience and your wonderful support. Stay healthy, till next inquiry….
  • to Mijzelf: thank you for your response, where do I create a share ? I could'nt find any useful functions in the GUI to create a share ?… sorry to be a nuisance, but the GUI is not too helpful to administer any additional discs….thanks in advance for your responses……
  • To Mijzelf: I tried everything, but still could not access or address my second disc. Attached a screenshot of the GUI functions, I have'nt found any functions to allow me to define a second disk . Even the Browser of the GUI shows me the contents of Volume 1 only. BTW I am using only RAID0. I have now managed to…
  • thank you Mijzelf: will try it out, thank you for the Manual, I have'nt got this in the delivery….will info more after trying….
  • to Mijzelf: thank you for your response… do I create a volume, before I installed the disc, actually I reformatted the disc and assigned a volume name via Windows tools, then I installed it in the NAS 326 device….after GUI was working, the NAS 326 reformatted my disc again, but I could see on the GUI the 2 discs but…
  • to domdur: yes, if you install a disc, the disc will be reformatted, so lost of data, backup your data prior to installing….
  • to "Mijzelf": after successfully entering the GUI, I saw the second disks, so both disks were shown in the admin screen, but I cannot specifically address this second disk. …Do I have to join both disks, but I don't want to use any RAID system, just simply using both disks as a simple external disks….and now Windows…
  • to Domdur: there is no technical support for the NAS 326 device anymore, I was told by the company that this device is not supported anymore and possibly no further developments in this area…..yes, you are right, if I had known this before, I would have selected another brand. But unfortunately I feel bad throwing away a…
  • Thank you "Mijzelf" for your suggestions….yes, it solves the problem. I created a password before the frontend sanitizer becomes red, and found out that 7 character / digit password is sufficient (not more), and finally it works, after creating the password I could enter the GUI successfully and perform my administration…
  • thank you for the response. …yes, 1234 is accepted but then a new password is requested and during this process, as mentioned before, the "take over / accept" button of the GUI does not accept any action…..and then it loops again to the start screen….so as I mentioned before I think something is wrong with the GUI….is…
  • ..yes, in my password creation I mixed special characters with numbers….as mentioned, the problem lies with the GUI, after changing password the "take over / accept" button is not functioning, i.e. it does'nt accept the pressing at all. My question, is there anyway to change or download another GUI App which works well…
  • Thank you for your responses…..the login failure still exist. I repeat what was done till now: I reset the NAS326 and I could enter default login "admin" and "1234". The next screen requires to enter a new password, which I did, using all type of combination, more than 8 characters, I entered about 14 characters with…
  • thank you for your information and suggestion. I will try it out.
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