a simple reboot and all connect again. Should i just put a timer on the plug to kill power for a couple of minutes each night?
all but one disconnected this morning ???
not really they all disconnect when it happens, I'm not concerned with the ones that are a great distance away, I'll sort that in time but the ones that are close and do have a medium or strong connection, why is it happening to them?
yes that's right but they are quite a way from each AP, I'll sort that problem later. The bigger issue is the complete disconnection
the reboot connects them all again :(
I'm rebooting
All gone a bit wobbly this morning
i just switched one of the channels
No disconnections today as far as I can tell :) Both AP's are on firmware v6.29 (ABYW.1) Most clients are Orange or Green, I know I have a few that are out of the way that are fairly week but remain connected.
unfortunately that manual appears to be out of date. None of the menus match the interface I see with Nebyla. I can't find where to look for them but I think I can rule out rogue AP's I've skipped to the next step and put the AP's onto channel 6 and disabled DCSI've also turned off 5ghz on the IOT SSID lets see what…
OK cool, but how do I do this - "run a survey for rogue APs"
I just setup 4 SSID's so whatever the default was, one is a guest, one is for IoT devices etc... both seem to be reporting channel 11 (DCS), signal seems strong with a wifi analyzer app yes some are configured to go off at midnight, but the ones that I have my clients in question connecting to remain on 24/7tried DCS both…
Network consists of, Virgin Media Router (type 4 hub), into a netgear switch, out to the 2 AP's, all wired Modem has an SSID, AP's have 4 SSID's between them, all different names of courseNo microwaves or similar sources of interference aroundone AP is upstairs, one AP is downstairs, typically 14-16 clients connect with…