zappu  Freshman Member


  • Hi @Zyxel_Stanley, I believe it was working with the previous firmware version, but when I have done the update of it the password has been changed. I don't know how and why it happened this, but as I said the issue I fixed in this version: V4.65(AAAA.0). Thank you ! Best regards, Alexandru Mavrodineanu
  • Hi @Zyxel_Stanley, Sorry for my late reply, I had a lot of work at work and then in the weekends most busy. Regarding your question, the issue was appeared when I did the upgrade to this firmware version: V4.65(AAAA.0) on my Zywall 110. Thank you ! Best regards, Alexandru Mavrodineanu
  • Good morning Stanley, Thanks for your info, it seems the issues it wasn't from there, after the previous firmwarware update, I don't know what happened, but the password for email account from GMail, has been changed in the Zywall 110. When I put the password and send a report I saw that it works. In case if any have this…
  • Good morning @Zyxel_Vic , I talked yesterday with one of your employees and he told me that it can be done what I wanted, but schema must be like the one from your website: In this case will work with a Switch who has Management, like GS1200-5 and with an AP like NWA5123-AC HD. Thank you Regards, Alex
  • Hi @RadarPlus , You are welcome and I understand how hard it is when you need something. Thank you Regards, Alex
  • @RadarPlus You need to follow these steps: 1.You have to go to Configuration->System->Notification and to have same things like those from below: 2.Then go to your GMail account, click on Manage your Google Account->Security->Less secure app access->Turn on. 3.Then go to Configuration->Log & Report->Log Settings->click on…
  • @Zyxel_Jerry I found where it was the issue and now it works. Thank you Alex
  • @Zyxel_Jerry . Now I received this message: "Failed to connect to mail server", after I put that port. Please let me know what I put wrong ? Thank you Alex
  • Hi @Zyxel_Jerry I did you said there and also I followed the steps from that link, because by that link I did this post and also, those screenshots. Do you have any other idea what I have to modify ? Thank you Regards, Alex
  • @imaohw I did what you wrote and still the same error it showed.
  • No one can help me with my issue ? Thank you
  • @imaohw I'm doing this because I want to segregate all the VLANs, I mean NAS is used for something. Tablets, phones for others and so on, but if one of my tablets are virused for example, I don't want to propagate in all the VLANs.
  • @PeterUK ok, I'll find a way to buy it. I'm still thinking how is working what I told you regarding the devices which are connected through Wi-Fi Router.
  • Dear @PeterUK , I checked on the Internet, do you know this Switch:Zyxel GS2210-8, is ok for what I need ? Thank you Regards, Alex
  • Dear @PeterUK , Please correct to see if I understand correctly or not, from your previous message. From what I saw regarding what you sent is a little bit unclear to me, who is each IP ? I suppose: is the IP from Zywall; is the IP from Switch; is the IP from Wi-Fi Router; is…