What is the maximum number of node for Multy U (WSR30) that can be deployed in a network?
The maximum number of node for Multy U (WSR30) is 6.
This product "Zyxel Multy X AC3000 Wi-Fi Mesh System" contains 2 router?
Today I bought this product. When i opened it up, i realised in my pack there is one router. So my question is how many routers contain this product? In the shop the number of this product: 546095 Thanks for your help! #MultyX_Nov_2018
Zyxel Multy X connection to the Modem
The Zyxel Multy X will it work, if the both router connect with UTP cable to the Modem? This is not problem? Or I just need to connect 1 router? #MultyX_Nov_2018
New firmware available for Multy X - Firmware: V2.10(ABKJ.4)C0
Hi New FW released for Multy X, can't find any release notes? #MultyX_Nov_2018
Multy X USB?
When I connect a hard disk to the USB port why is it not available on my network? Thanks #MultyX_Nov_2018
MULTY X USB features
dear Zyxel. Wnen will be finaly available USB connectivity option on Multy X mesh system? I switched from Apple Airport extreme systeme where it works PERFECT!!! From this I am really sad because I need it. Thanx for answer #MultyX_Nov_2018
Where can find user guide of AiShield?
You can find user guide of AiShield as below: https://www.zyxel.com/AiShieldDeploy/
AiShield-Setup and Configuration FAQs
* How to activate AiShield license? * How to create a profile? * How to quickly block a profile? * How to edit a profile? * How to delete profile?
How to check threats detail when my network be attacked?
Step 1: Open the AiShield App which is installed in your mobile device. Step 2: Tap the "Security" icon to go to the "Security" page. Step 3: Top "Threats", then select "Day", "Week" or "Last 30 Days". Step 4: Tap "List". Step 5: Select one of threats log on "Threats list" page. Step 6: To check the information on "Threats…
How to edit device name and device icon?
Step 1: Open the AiShield App which is installed in your mobile device. Step 2: Tap the "Device List" icon to go to the "Device List" page. Step 3: Select the device. Step 4: Tap "Edit" icon on "Device Details" page. Step 5: To modify a new device name. Step 6: Select a new device icon then tap "Save". Step 7: Finished.
How to check all security history by device?
Step 1: Open the AiShield App which is installed in your mobile device. Step 2: Tap the "Device List" icon to go to the "Device List" page. Step 3: Select the device. Step 4: Tap "History" on "Device Details" page.
How to check Warning security history of AiShield ?
Step 1: Open the AiShield App which is installed in your mobile device. Step 2: Tap the "Security" icon to go to the "Security" page. Step 3: Top "Warning", then select "Day", "Week" or "Last 30 Days". Step 4: Tap "List" to go to "Warning list" page.
How to check Threat security history of AiShield ?
Step 1: Open the AiShield App which is installed in your mobile device. Step 2: Tap the "Security" icon to go to the "Security" page. Step 3: Top "Threats", then select "Day", "Week" or "Last 30
Days". Step 4: Tap "List" to go to "Threats list" page.
How to sort by the device being attacked?
Step 1: Open the AiShield App which is installed in your mobile device. Step 2: Tap the "Security" icon to go to the "Security" page. Step 3: Tap "Attacks" to go
to the "Attacks" page. Step 4: Select sort device
by "Day", "Week" or "Last 30 Days".
What to do when the speed of WiFi declines sharply after running a period of time?
Please follow the steps to troubleshoot and enhance the speed when you encounter the problem. Step 1: Check the signal strength via Multy App. Please refer to the article How to check the signal strength via Multy app for the method to identify if the current signal strength is good enough. Step 2: Analyze and Adjust. If…
Setup and Configuration FAQs
* How to disable WiFi via Multy App? * How to set up port forwarding via Multy App? * How to set up new firmware notification via Multy App? * How to set up the "Speed Test Results" notification via Multy App? * How to set up the "New Device Connected" notification via Multy App? * How to set up the 1st node via Mutly App?…
Troubleshooting FAQs
* What to do if Internet is down? * What can I do if I block my device to access Internet? * What to do if the primary Multy can't find other nodes? * What to do when Multy APP shows Unable to Activate Multy? * What to do when Multy U (WSR30) fails to upgrade firmware? * What to do when Multy U (WSR30) is unable to access…
General Information FAQs
[General] * What is Band Steering? * What is Multy U (WSR30)? * What is the maximum number of node for Multy U (WSR30) that can be deployed in a network? * What kind of Internet type does Multy U (WSR30) support? * Which Bluetooth version does Multy U (WSR30) use? * Does Multy U (WSR30) replace my modem? * Does Multy U…
Parent control
Is it possible to limit parent control to maximum hours pr day? #MultyX_Nov_2018
What to do when xmpp error happens on the AiShield App (Android)?
When you open the AiShield App (Android version) and see the xmpp error, it is because the license
has been activated but the Multy App still hasn't synchronized with the cloud server. Please close the AiShield App and wait for a while. Then open the app again to verify if the problem has been resolved. When you have two…