What to do when the throughput is not good enough between the Primary node and the extender?
When running speed test to diagnose, the result shows the throughput is not good enough between the 2 nodes, please check the signal strength either by using the Multy App or through Web GUI. The Multy App Please refer to the article How to check the signal strength via Multy app? for the method to identify whether the…
What to do when Multy APP shows "Unable to Activate Multy"?
When the Multy App shows Unable to
Activate Multy during installation, two options are provided for the user to continue the installation. One is Try Again and the other one is Reset Multy. Please follow the steps shown below to solve the problem. Step 1: Reactivate the Bluetooth of your mobile device and tap the "Try…
How to change the device name and icon via Multy App?
Step 1: Open the Multy app which is installed in your mobile device. Step 2: Tap the "Access Control" icon. Step 3: Find and tap the device name in the device list. Step 4: Tap "EDIT" icon. Step 5: Tap "Save" after changing the device name and icon. In the example, new device name is MyNB and new type icon is Laptop.
How to change the device name and icon via Web GUI?
Step 1: Access the Web GUI with a web browser. * Open a browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari and so on. * Type http://zyxelwifi.com, http://zyxelwifi.net or (default IP address) in the address bar of the browser. In order to be able to access the Web GUI, you might have to get the correct IP address…
How to change the LAN IP address of Multy Plus (WSQ60) via Web GUI?
Step 1: Access the Web GUI with a web browser. * Open a browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari and so on. * Type http://zyxelwifi.com, http://zyxelwifi.net or (default IP address) in the address bar of the browser. In order to be able to access the Web GUI, you might have to get the correct IP address…
The "Public WiFi Mystery Visitor" Sweepstakes
Hey forum members, WiFi is everywhere these days; you must have used public WiFi in a café, airport, or train station at least once before, right? Come share your experience about public WiFi with us and you may have a chance to win a giveaway. TO ENTER:Take a few seconds to answer the following question and you’ll get a…
How to change the operating mode via Multy App?
Step 1: Open the Multy app which is installed in your mobile device. Step 2: Tap the "Menu" icon. Step 3: Tap "Settings" in the menu list. Step 4: Tap to change the operating mode in "Network Mode". If Bridge Mode is selected, please make sure Multy Plus
(WSQ60) can get an IP address from a DHCP server.
How to change the operating mode via Web GUI?
Step 1: Access the Web GUI with a web browser. * Open a browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari and so on. * Type http://zyxelwifi.com, http://zyxelwifi.net or (default IP address) in the address bar of the browser. In order to be able to access the Web GUI, you might have to get the correct IP address…
How to disable WiFi via Multy App?
Step 1: Open the Multy app which is installed in your mobile device. Step 2: Tap the "WiFi Settings" icon. Step 3: Tap the edit icon. Step 4: Switch off to disable WiFi and tap
"Save". Step 5: The whole WiFi Settings will be grayed out.
How to disable WiFi via Web GUI?
Step 1: Access the Web GUI with a web browser. * Open a browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari and so on. * Type http://zyxelwifi.com, http://zyxelwifi.net or (default IP address) in the address bar of the browser. In order to be able to access the Web GUI, you might have to get the correct IP address…
How to enable/disable the daisy chain feature via Multy App?
Step 1: Open the Multy app which is installed in your mobile device. Step 2: Tap the "Menu" icon. Step 3: Tap "Settings" in the menu list. Step 4: Tap "Advanced Settings". Step 5: Switch to enable/disable the Daisy Chain feature.
How to enable/disable the daisy chain feature via Web GUI?
Step 1: Access the Web GUI with a web browser. * Open a browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari and so on. * Type http://zyxelwifi.com, http://zyxelwifi.net or (default IP address) in the address bar of the browser. In order to be able to access the Web GUI, you might have to get the correct IP address…
How to add the 3rd or 4th node via Multy App?
Step 1: Open the Multy app which is installed in your mobile device. Step 2: Tap the "Menu" icon. Step 3: Tap "Add Multy" in the menu list. Step 4: Follow the instructions shown on the screen to add the node and tap the "Start" and "Next" buttons to proceed to the next step. Step 5: The Multy App will find the node and add…
How to change the DHCP pool range of Multy Plus (WSQ60) via Web GUI?
Step 1: Access the Web GUI with a web browser. * Open a browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari and so on. * Type http://zyxelwifi.com, http://zyxelwifi.net or (default IP address) in the address bar of the browser. In order to be able to access the Web GUI, you might have to get the correct IP address…
How to add the 2nd node via Multy App?
Step 1: 2 options to add the 2nd node. There
are two ways to add the 2nd node.* After the 1st node is set up successfully, tap "Add Multy?" button to continue installing the 2nd node. * Tap the Menu icon. Tap Add Multy in the menu list. Step 2: Follow the instructions shown on the screen to add the 2nd node and tap the…
How to set up the 1st node via Mutly App?
Step 1: Download and install the Multy App. The Multy App can be found in Google Play for Android devices and in App Store for iOS devices. Please download and install it in your Android or iOS mobile device before installation. Step 2: Start to Install. Tap the Start Installation button. Step 3: Get Ready. * Prepare…
Does Multy Plus (WSQ60) have a DHCP server?
Yes, DHCP server is enabled in the 1st node of Multy Plus with standard mode to automatically assign IP addresses to devices which are connected to the Multy Plus.
How to reboot Multy Plus (WSQ60) via Web GUI?
Step 1: Access the Web GUI with a web browser. * Open a browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari and so on. * Type http://zyxelwifi.com, http://zyxelwifi.net or (default IP address) in the address bar of the browser. * In order to be able to access the Web GUI, you might have to get the correct IP…
How to reboot Multy Plus (WSQ60) via Multy App?
Step 1: Open the Multy app which is installed in your mobile device. Step 2: Tap the icon of "Primay Multy". Step 3: Tap "Restart" to reboot Multy Plus . Step 4: Tap "Confirm". Step 5: Wait for rebooting. It takes around 3 minutes to finish the reboot process. LED will blink during rebooting and then becomes White Solid.
Losing half my speed
Got 200mb virgin media and speed test on ookla range from 120-155 and drops to 80 ish #MultyX_Sep