SCR50AXE - Event Log data
The SCR50AXE device could be quite nice for small offices with some random internet connection, since it is Nebula managed. Please add Event Log data for wifi, dhcp, system ,etc. (just like what we have in Nebula with an USGFLEX + NWA110AX AP's). Having a managed device, that does not provice log data for debugging issues,…
WireGuard® is an extremely simple yet fast and modern VPN that utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography.It aims to be faster, simpler, leaner, and more useful than IPSec, while avoiding the massive headache. It intends to be considerably more performant than OpenVPN. WireGuard is designed as a general purpose VPN for running…
SecuExtender IPSec VPN client versions:
Hello, I want to ask for help. Has anyone managed to set up the new vpn yet? I'm a little stuck. With these settings: This is the error:
NAT from source IP by FQDN
When making a NAT rule
for Virtual Server your able to select for source IP a FQDN which
would allow a dynamic connection by given FQDN to IP to match the NAT
rule. WILDCARD FQDN are not
Let's encrypt - SSL certificate
Hello! Is "let's encrypt" SSL certificate support planned on the USG40 (and higher)? With which version is this activated? BR, MJR
Are there plans to bring OpenVPN support to ATP and USG
USG FLEX H models: security services by policy
USGFLEX/ATP models support a feature that could be switched to inspection by policy ("secure-policy-style advance"). However, USGFLEX H models do not support this feature currently. This topic was raised in the following discussion: If anyone likes this idea, please feel free to leave a comment or click vote. The votes and…
Azure AD Authentication for SSL VPN Access
Add Geography addresses to Address groups
Making it possible to block an entire region or country is a really nice feature. However, geography addresses cannot be added to address groups, so to block a series of countries one has to create a lot of policy control rules. It would be so much smoother if one could add the required countries/regions to an address…
NTP Service (Server) on USG for SOHO Devices
It would be great, if the USG can also serve a NTP Sever functionality and the USG is the Device to sync the local time with NTP-Server in the extranet for small/remote offices. Benefit: no additional time server is required and the USG can serve correct date/time to domain ad client systems during a broken extranet…
IKEv2 - support Pre-Shared key
Please add support for IKEv2 with pre-shared-key.
Multiple IPs NAT Rule
Can you please provide Group of IPs to be selected when creating NAT Rule. It seems like the NAT rule can use objects like Host, SUBNET and Range, but Group. In case we have multiple Public IPs from different SUBNETS we need to create identical NAT rule for each IP. It would be easier if we can combine all IPs in one group…
Speedtest from router
I'd like to see the ability to do an internet speed test from the router for diagnostics.
ATP 200: Multicast and broadcast routing across VLANs to enable media sharing protocols.
I have created several segments (VLANS) in my network to increase security of my home network. One VLAN is for computers and mobile phones, another VLAN is for data servers (e.g. NAS), another VLAN is for media players (e.g. TVs, SONOS audio players or printers) and another VLAN for IOT devices like Philips Hue.…
Auto generate Lets Encrypt certificates
Could a feature be added to USG/ATPs where you can use a lets encrypt certificate for say SSLVPNs, and set it too auto renew every 90 days? So other vendors already support this.
Actual ZyWall, WLan Password can not be seen (anymore) => Please add checkbox "unmask"
On older ZyWalls it was easy to see / check the wireless password. Now the admin has NO WAY to "recover/find" the wireless password. ⇒ Please add a checkbox unmask, as it exists for the PSK in VPN-Configs.
Zyxel USG - GUI - show information for end of development, vulnerability support, RMA
Hello! Please show directly in the GUI of the zyxel devices (section registration or services) the information about the actual dates of: end of development end of vulnerability support end of RMA & Tech Support Thank you, best regards, MJR
SSL Inspection
From Monitor>SSL Inspection>Certificate Cache List> Please add if possible "Source" as it is very helpful that "Destination" IP Address is already indicated by would be a wonderful addition to have "Source" IP Address too. It just would be very practical to see right away at times which Clients are accessing which secure…
SecuReporter + WiFi User Failed attempts
I wish there was more in information with SecuReporter GUI in regards to failed WiFi User login attempts. As it would be a nice added information to know with regards to "Rogue WiFi Clients" attempting to login to the managed APs. I think it makes sense to know this as an attack indicator. To view these failed attempts of…
Add GEO blocking option in Email security rules - Black/White List
I wish I have in Black/White List an option for GEOGRAPHY blocking. And block all emails sent from blocked countries.