2FA Login mask, 2 suggestions for log viewing

Zyxel_USG_User Posts: 27  Freshman Member
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  1. 2FA Login Mask

Browser login: entering username and password accepts ENTER and mouse click to continue. If 2FA is enabled, the next window with the 2FA code input does not accept enter but only mouse click to send/enter. One needs to grab again the mouse to hover over the button of send, this is annoying when there are only seconds left for the valid code.

Do this exercise a few times per day across a few devices, and you will hate the procedure. Please enable in the 2FA menu that ENTER sends the entered code, not only by mouse click. 2 pictures attached.

2. Log viewer in browser

Usability suggestion:

Please make the log viewing by default 200 entries (max), instead of 50 (default). Who goes into the log, wants to go through all available entries not only the last 50. Otherwise, the following pages (up to 3) do not make sense either. Also, how about putting the log display and choice above in the list? One needs at every page to browse again at the bottom in order to advance and/or change the amount of entries to view. Cumbersome, if done a few times a day. SecuReporter does not have that granularity if data protection is enabled, so one has to browse the logs in the local browser.

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