In WRR Trunk Load Balancing, add "Bind all sessions from one IP" option on H series Zywall

AndreaRP Posts: 2  Freshman Member

WRR distributes sessions among available WAN interfaces/lines.

However, this may have an adverse effect if multiple sessions from the SAME client are spread among WAN interfaces, effectively showing different IP addresses from the different interfaces. Some sites/apps/services require more than one session to be open, and the different origin of the connections trips some security alerts.

Some other manufacturers already have a "bind sessions from IP to interface": if checked, all sessions coming from one IP are bound to a single interface.

This reduces the effectiveness of the load distribution if there are just a few clients and only one of them opens a lot of sessions/transfers, but has a negligible impact on the distribution when there are more clients. At the same time, it solves the operatinal problems deriving from sessions "coming" from different WAN IPs

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