Creating IPSec VPN: Aborting connection after 3 attempts
Hi, I am trying to setup an IPSec VPN on our VPN300 (5.21). I used the wizard on the device to create an IKEv2 configuration and pulled the configuration to the Zywall IPSec VPN Client. I currently only use certificate as Authentication - I have created a self-signed certificate on the VPN300 for this purpose which I have…
Possible corrupted standby firmware upgrade
My USG FLEX 700 prompted for a firmware upgrade. The device hung while applying and I couldn't connect via HTTP/SSH/Console. I had no choice but to power off. The device came back up OK and no warnings or errors in the console start up. I noticed this in the logs: alert, system, Image recovery point, Firmware #2 is broken…
UAG4100 war jahrelang über den WAN Port mit
Fritz Box verbunden. Damit Verbindung zum Internet und auch zum Netzwerk mit Bon-Drucker und PC für Wartung. Seit Firmware Update und Umbau mit Neuverkabelung ist die UAG4100 über WAN nicht mehr vom Netzwerk zu erreichen ? Für jede Idee dankbar !
IPsec VPN connection, Windows RDP keep dropping
I have IPsec VPN connection between main office and branch. I have computers(XP, Win7,Win10) at main office. Users at branch will use windows RDP connect to computers at Main office. The RDP session Intermittent drop. How to resolve this issue? Both sites use Flex 500 firewall.
zywall 110 2fa stops working web interface hangs
I setup 2FA using SMS via ClickSend on a zywall 110. Firmware 4.70(AAAA.0) (latest).It appeared to work well initially but as we rolled it out to more users it has failed twice in the last two weeks.Symptoms are a failure to send the 2FA email and users are unable to authorize there connections and a non-functioning web…
ZYWALL USG20W keeps rebooting
I've been using my Zywall USG20W for many years without any problem. In the last few weeks it keeps rebooting, randomly, every 10/20 minutes, after it goes to 100% CPU usage. I have updated the firmware to 3.30(BDR.9) / 1.15 / 2016-11-22 10:05:22, but still the same. Adding some info. The log shows these recurrent alerts…
VPN between ZyWall 110 and USG 20 is CONNECTED but can't ping
HelloI made an IPSEC VPN between a USG110 and USG20, the tunnel connects but the traffic does not pass, if I ping from the firewall console USG20> UG110 I do not receive the same response from USG20> UG110. I have also disabled policy controllers. The strange thing is that I did the configuration months ago and everything…
How can i use firewall in zyxel router?
I see on some sites that i can disable YTube ads on samsung smart tv by blocking some samgung's sites. In firewall options i see general - protocol - access control - dos. Should i select protocol? Or should i use parental control? Please, give me detailed guide because i've been using your router since 5 hours ago.
SSL VPN Problem
Hi, I'm having problems connecting the SSL VPN in only one user. All the other 15 users have no problems connecting. He gets the following information in the logs [ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][INFO] [bitpro] try to login XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][INFO] Connect to…
Failover setup
Hi All, I have the following: USG210 with two internet connections. Two different providers. WAN1 has static IP, WAN2 has static IP with PPPoE. I want to use WAN2 as the primary internet connection and when WAN2 fails to connect, WAN1 should take over. I watched a couple of videos of how to do this, but every time I get…
USG1100 APC + NWA1121-NI access point. Can't add the AP
I have a wireless LAN (15 AP's) controlled by the APC onboard on the USG1100 firewall. I need to add a new AP (NWA1121). I have assigned to the AP the right local IP, configured the switch port (I have a VLAN) but when I connect the AP to the port nothing happens. Am I wrong or the controller must recognize automatically…
Site to site bug or limitation
Zywall 110 V4.70(AAAA.0)ITS-WK46-r102519 VPN300 V5.20(ABFC.0) So was playing around as packet loss bug is being looked into if I could route internet traffic down a site to site tunnel this is my setup with OPT on the Zywall 110 for the internet: added some routing
rules... ...and
send ping to…
ATP 800 screen freezes, while configuring application patrol policy
Hi there, Recently we are undergoing implementation of ZyXEL firewall ATP800 along with multiple switches in an enterprise customer. The ATP800 has Firmware version V5.20 (ABIQ.0), which was updated on 04 Jan 2022 Background: Customer has asked us to block all categories and its applications within application patrol. They…
USG210 Firmware 4.71 newer, older or equal to latest WK08 build?
Hallo, can someone explain me if officail 4.71 does have the same fixes as WK08? Which one should i install? Thx
USG40(Unified Security Gateway) with SP350E
Hi, how can i connect or link the SP350E to USG40? base on the manual, you have to go to Configuration > Hotspot > Printer Manager > but i cannot find this in USG40 Unified Security Gateway. Thanks in advance for your answer.
How to fix these xl2tpd errors?
How to fix these xl2tpd errors? How to fix these xl2tpd errors? l2tp/ipsec connection. I use xl2tpd along with strongswan. Strongswan is rising, everything is ok. I see myself connected to the gateway via ipsec. Further xl2tpd, I receive errors. Ubuntu 20.04 Server/Vpn gateway zyxel l2tp over ipsec/strongswan/xl2tpd Jan 31…
Why does the apt100 will not send the configuration file?
Bevor the atp100 will send the configuration file to a e-Mail adress. Since two weeks it is not sending. The daily report file is sending correctly. Where i must config that the apt100 send the configuration File?
Block all GEO IPs execpt one
Hi All, Is it possible to block all GEO IPs except one?I know it is possible to deny a GEO IP, but I have to add all of them, which is very cumbersome. I have an USG40 and USG210.I hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance.Peter
USG FLEX 100 - GEO block seems doesn't work
Dear all, could you please help me with the next question I have USG FLEX 100 V5.20(ABUH.0), configured GEO_BLOCK deny policy (priority 2) from WAN to any (Excluding ZyWALL) for sources IP including China. (action - deny, log - no) but in the log I see: This is why I assume my policy doesn't work properly. Why the rule id…
VPN on 192.168.1.x subnet issues
Big client with this setup: 1. Internal network, 192.168.1.x 2. Having AD, DNS and so forth internally 2. Site-to-site VPN to hosting center, with replication of above servers. 3. Employee IP-sec VPN, with MFA through e-mail. The issue: 1. 192.168.1.x is often the employees subnet as well. 2. Some employees cannot reach…