SSL VPN Problem


I'm having problems connecting the SSL VPN in only one user. All the other 15 users have no problems connecting. He gets the following information in the logs

[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][INFO]    [bitpro] try to login XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][INFO]    Connect to 1408274527:10443
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][INFO]    Local address is 3232235879
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][DEBUG]   Connect success.
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL]  Handshake LoopCounter: 0
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL]  1302 bytes of handshake data received
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL]  InitializeSecurityContext returns 0x90312
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL]  Send 93 bytes of handshake data
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL]  Handshake LoopCounter: 1
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL]  51 bytes of handshake data received
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL]  InitializeSecurityContext returns 0x0
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL]  SSL Handshake is successful
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL]  STREAM_SIZE: Header: 13 Trailer: 16, MaxMessage: 16384
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL]  Protocol: TLS1.2
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL]  Cipher: AES256
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL]  Cipher strength: 256
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL]  Hash: SHA384
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL]  Hash strength: 0
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL]  Key exchange: 0xae06
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL]  Key exchange strength: 255
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][INFO]    Server subject: CN=usg_flex_100w_BCCF4FD155C4
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][INFO]    Server issuer: CN=usg_flex_100w_BCCF4FD155C4
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:09 ][SecuExtender Agent][ERROR]   **** Error 0x800b0109 authenticating server credentials! (0x0)
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:11 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL]  SSL session is created
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:11 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL]  Can't get authentication token(1)
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:11 ][SecuExtender Agent][DEBUG]   SSL Connection is going to be closed
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:11 ][SecuExtender Agent][ERROR]   user login device failed (0x0)
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:11 ][SecuExtender Agent][DEBUG]   SSL Connection is going to be closed
[ 2022/02/28 11:02:11 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL]  Connection ends.

Thanks in advance for you help.

All Replies

  • MJStar
    MJStar Posts: 37  Freshman Member
    First Answer First Comment Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    Which Zyxel device you are using? and its firmware version? Not sure if your SSL VPN numbers had reached the maximum value?
  • BitPro
    BitPro Posts: 2
    I'm using a USG FLEX 100W   with the following Firmware version : V5.20(ABWC.0). I only get this error in one specific laptop even if a try to establish the VPN with users that are working fine in other laptops. So I believe that the problem has to be related with this specific laptop.  When I first installed the secuextender it worked, but after a few days I started having this error
  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,311  Zyxel Employee
    100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    What is your SecuExtender SSL VPN client software version? your PC brand and its model name? and its OS version? Do you open the SecuExtender IPsec client on the PC at the same time? If so, please turn off IPsec client and only turn on SSL VPN client to see if it works?. BTW, you can turn off Anti-Virus software, firewall-related settings or other internet-related utility on your PC to see if it works?
  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 109  Ally Member
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Security First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    If it's a HP device, try to dissable the "HP LAN / WLAN / WWAN Switching UWP-Service"