Kubilay Boya Summary With outages, dead spots, and weak signals hampering productivity at its factory, Kubilay Boya’s management reached out to its SI partner Fonetsan Information Technologies. As well as upgrading the network for better connectivity and reliability, the company also needed robust security. Atilla Ceyhan,…
Kuban State Technological University Summary Kuban State Technological University’s wireless internet services were lagging for a modern school and needed a network refresh. Alexander Nesterov, System Administrator at KSTU led the the implementation of the project and stated the project’s criteria: “First was the high…
DIM Group Summary In view of DIM Group’s active expansion, its management knew a growth-friendly network was needed. That meant a complete rebuild of the network in favor of futureproof infrastructure capable of scaling easily as needed and supporting the management of all network devices from a single interface. The…
Hotel Royal @ Queens Summary Hotel Royal @ Queens’ network needed a facelift. Its existing infrastructure was outdated, unable to deliver the wireless speeds and coverage required by staff and guests. It was also time consuming to maintain each part individually as it could not be centrally managed. The hotel’s system…
College of Horticulture and Forestry Summary The college of Horticulture and Forestry has been growing steadily in recent years as regional demand for academic and practical expertise in agriculture has grown in step with the advancement of related technology. Having purchased Zyxel solutions in the past and satisfied with…
Tursport Hotel Residence Summary Although the pandemic has been an existential challenge for many hospitality businesses, it has also offered them a chance to review and upgrade their service offerings to meet customers’ modern needs. The Tursport Hotel Residence in southern Italy consulted with its system integrator…
Minimax Summary With business booming, Minimax needed an urgent upgrade to its nationwide network to support the increasing flow of information among its head office and branches. Seeking a fault-tolerant network and working with Zyxel partner Abak-2000, Minimax’s management decided to rebuild its enterprise information…
Belgiprodor Summary With its existing network infrastructure nearly a decade old, BelGiproDor needed to increase the access speed to its server storage systems and other IT services. The network refresh was also necessary to ensure the network had security protections capable of fending off modern cyberthreats. After a…
CDT Medicus Summary With every data point of a patient’s medical history now accessible with the tap of a key, a reliable internet connection is essential for a successful medical practice. For MEDICUS, this meant providing a high-capacity wireless network across three floors. But that was easier said than done. First, the…
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