Guests and Staff Alike Live it Up after Nebula Checks in to Mediterranean Hotel

Zyxel_May Posts: 180  Zyxel Employee
First Comment Fourth Anniversary
edited October 2022 in Success Stories

Adalya Elite Lara Hotel

“We wanted to improve our network infrastructure and to do it by incorporating the latest technology. The results speak for themselves – the new network is fast, reliable, and easy to manage – and we’re very grateful to Emir Security and Zyxel for their great support and solutions.”

Kaan Özkan
IT Manager, Adalya Elite Lara

Seeking immaculate wireless services to match its immaculate surrounds, Adalya Elite Lara Hotel had a challenge on its hands. With over 600 guest rooms and refusing to subject guests to the dropouts and slow connections common elsewhere, the hotel demanded uninterrupted, high-speed WiFi across all of its indoor and outdoor areas – all 45 acres of them. Alongside its SI partner, Emir Security, the hotel turned to Zyxel solutions specially designed for hospitality. 
First deployed were NWA1123-AC PRO access points, featuring a dual-optimized antennas and an “RF First” design for high performance and reliability, followed by GS1920-24HPv2 and XGS4600-32F switches. With the new network infrastructure created through these Nebula cloud networking-compatible products, guests and staff are now enjoying rapid, uninterrupted access across the entire hotel. Better yet for IT staff, all these products can be easily controlled in real time from a single location. And the network’s performance wasn’t the only outstanding part of the project, according to Emir Security’s General Manager Muhittin Emre Emirdar – the customer support was, too. “The Zyxel team was with us every step of the way,” he says. “Their vision and expertise guided us and provided real help for us to successfully complete the project.”

  • Expand the hotel network’s capacity to ensure strong connectivity for its spacious living spaces and large number of rooms
  • Enable the existing system to manage all active network devices from a single point

  • NWA1123-AC PRO access points ensure high speeds and wide-coverage network access anywhere in the hotel
  • Nebula cloud-based network management enables the entire network to be  managed from a single interface anytime, anywhere

Product used

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