VLAN Routing Issues / General Network Problems
Hi All, Recently deployed 2x Zyxel 1920 48 Port Switches to a existing Zyxel Network, The main core network consist of 2x Zyxel GS-1910 48 Port Switches, from this there are multiple fibre links to satellite cabinets. (One of these cabinets containing the 2x 1920 switches above) We have attempted to configure the 2x…
GS1900 switch webUI has white font on white background
Does anyone have solution to this? The right hand side of my WebUI has white text on white background and is only visible when I highlight all the text. I tried updating my firmware and it does the same. It does the same on different browsers and different computer. #Biz_Switch_June
GS1900-24HP Disabled Ports continuing to provide power and temporarily routing traffic
I have a GS1900-24HP running 2.40(AAHM.0)C0 on which I had disabled two specific network ports upon the departure of an employee (and, yes, the config file was saved when the change was made). A couple of weeks later, a new employee started and was able to plug in the previously used PoE VOIP phone, get power, and even use…
Question About Wireless VLANs w/ GS1900 Series Managed Switches
Hey Everyone, I just purchased a GS1900-8 and a GS1900-24E. Looks like there is great support for VLANs. I do have a few questions however: 1. - Do these switches support 'Dynamic VLANs' at all? Or do they only support Static/Port-based VLANs? 2. - I would like to create various types of Wireless VLANs, for Guests,…
SFP+ Transceivers Compatibility
What Transceivers are compatible with the XGS2210 model switches? Is SFP+ a standard protocol and are all Transceiver Brands interchangeable?
can I configure QOS in GS1900 for multicast streams?
Hi, I need to give higher priority to multicast strams in GS-1900, how should mange the switch? Appriciate any help #Biz_Switch_May
XGS2210-52 How to enable MTU size of 9k on VLAN (resolved)
How to enable MTU size of 9k on VLAN or in general. I am looking for the MTU size setting in the switch. Can anyone point me to the right menu?
VLAN setup between GS1920 Switch and Zywall USG20
I have a GS1920 switch I am trying to segregate into 4 seperate vlans and a DMZ. The vlans have been created on a USG20 Router using seperate subnets with their own DHCP servers. I wish to connect the router to the switch along a single LAN2 interface and have the switch separate out the traffic into port groups. At the…
What console cable is needed for a GS1910-24HP?
I have bought myself a used GS1910-24HP and cannot configure it - it is not on its default IP and nothing plugged into the console port returns anything, not even gibberish. The manual mentions no specific cable, and it doesnt look like there is a non standard pin out? #Biz_Switch_May
XGS4600 DHCP Global relay
We have an issue with DHCP relay on XGS4600. Step 1. Global relay is disabled, client not getting IP from DHCP server. Step 2. Global relay enabled, first address changed to our DHCP IP. Client getting proper IP. Step 3. Global relay first address changed back to default Client getting IP (???) Step 4. Global…
XGS4600-32F Data abort occured
I lost inbound and outbound management access to switch during OSPF configuration process. Now SYS led blinking continuously. Getting log using RS-232 Data abort occured Fault Status = 0x00000008 Fault Addr = 0xE59FF570Current Task TCB = 0x6371AB28Current Task Name = PINICurrent Task Stack Start = 0x6371ABE0Current Task…
Trouble accessing login page for gs1900-8hp
I just received my Zyxel GS-1900 switch, and I seemed to have successfully changed its static IP address so it will not conflict with my router. The switch is not connected to my main router by an ethernet cable. It attached to another computer that is connected wirelessly to my router. To change the static address of the…
Assistance with Gs1900-16
Hello every one, I have bought GS1900-16 port to connect all my ethernet jacks to the switch and from the switch to the my current broad band router Motorola Surfboard sbv5220. No VLAN's or any of that as i was told my router not going to allow me to do this function + the VLAN option is more than what i need for my home.…
Can I segment a GS1900-24HP switch
My router has several LAN ports and I am using one as the DMZ port. The DMZ is on a separate IP subnet. I would like to eliminate a small switch that I am using to connect DMZ devices and manage the LAN and DMZ on a single switch. The router firewall manages traffic between LAN and DMZ. Can I segment the switch such that I…
Which firmware link?
I will be downloading the latest firmware for the GS1900-8HP switch. In the download library, there are two links under the "download column" for the latest firmware. Are they both identical? If they are different, it is unclear how. #Biz_Switch_May
GS-1100 16 PWR LED blinks fast
Hi Everybody, I have a GS 1100 16 and now my LAN ist gone. The PWR LED blinks very fast. I switched the power off and on again,but the LED still is flashing. Is the switch now at his end of life, or is it possible to reanimate it? Best Hoffi #Biz_Switch_April
GSX2210-28 Access To Web GUI Through Truck Ports and Different VLANS
I have Ports 25-28 Trunked and Aggregated to other switches on the network. When I try to access any of the interface IP's of the switch through the Trunk's even the Default the Web GUI is very slow and many times the session gets severed. The only way to access the Web GUI without any issues is by plugging directly into…
HTTPS: Create self-signed certificate with unique serial
Hi guys, I have got a bug report/feature request: When generating a self-signed certificate for HTTPS, the switch always uses its MAC address as serial number, which is not permissible and causes Browsers to reject connecting to the device when a certificate with the same serial is already known. For example in Firefox,…
GS2210-48 cisco-like vlan mode
Hi, I was trying to configure some GS2200 to interoperate with our installed switchs, there is a bunch of commands very similar to Cisco IOS, but when executed I get this message (config)# interface port-channel 1,2,3 (config-interface)# switchport mode trunk "VLAN configuration is current not in cisco-like vlan mode" Is…
Zyxel - simulation and visualization tool
Hi, I would like to ask, whether Zyxel have got a simulation and visualization tool (packet tracer in different Company)?