Zyxel_Carter  Zyxel Employee


  • @mMontana We actually working on re-define what content can be published on the Support Category(the main categories on the Home page) and Document categories (such as FAQ) to let categories be clearer. Also, we plan to have a user survey to collect more feedback as well. Thanks for your opinions, we will take this into…
  • @mMontana It can be duplicated by your step, thanks for reporting and we are trying to fix it now. For the short-term solution, you can select "code" format first and then past the wording in the field, it can work normally.
  • @mMontana Thanks for your feedback. The main purpose of the community activity is not only announced new features information but also encourages more and more users to join discussions. You are one of the active users, we wish to have more contributors like you in the Zyxel community to help users. In August, we want to…
  • @mMontana I copy your wording and past but without met the problem. >ping -n 10 Esecuzione di Ping con 32 byte di dati: Risposta da byte=32 durata=40ms TTL=61 Risposta da byte=32 durata=35ms TTL=61 Risposta da byte=32 durata=33ms TTL=61 Risposta da…
  • @mMontana Thanks for your feedback, because the community's timezone was set as Asia/Taipei, we have removed this setting and now the dates and times of posts should be default to the logged in your timezone as set on your computer.
  • Hi mMontana, Thanks for feedback. If you have product related to CPE / ONT / 5G NR /4G LTE CPE, please content local support for further assistance. About AP / Firewall / WiFi system / Home router / Wireless extender, will update table info when firmware is available. For more security advisories info, you can click…
  • @mMontana Thanks for your feedback! We create a new category "Community Feedback". All Community members are able to share their experience or suggestion here. You also can click here to find this category. About your questions: * You receive a notification and want to reply it but it shows you don't have permission to…
  • 這個問題我有找到另一個解決辦法,只能說Apple的設計為了要賣全球,才會導致這個問題發生… 我在混合AP佈建的環境下無意間發現一件非常有趣的事情! 當我連上Nebula AP跟Ruckus AP,在MacBook的WiFi上國碼會有不一樣的結果,看起來MacBook會偵測AP的Country Code一同連動。 ===========我是分隔線=========== 首先,我把MacBook 的WiFi所有的連線記錄設定檔全部清除。 這時候查看MacBook的WiFi狀態國碼會變成「X2」,同時MacBook會顯示所有的Channel都支援 ,而且所有的Channel SSID都找的到。 當我連上Ruckus…
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