Thanks susei. I don't have RAID configured but JBOD. Where exactly can I check the status in the web GUI to find out on which drive the operating system files are located? I find it very anoying to have a 50-50 chance to choose the wrong drive and loose data. Why are these files not stored on the NAS instead but on the…
Problem solved!TCP-IP was not configured correct.Now everything works again. Thanks a lot for your support (and patience)!!! Stay healthy
No luck. I deleted every file in the admin/zy-pkgs. Restart the retrieved files from the internet nothing in the list an only an ZYPKGS file with 0 byte in the folder after retrieving.
I just replaced the disk with a new formatted one and now the disk check was successfull. Unfortunately I can't choose any packages in the Package Management. The list is empty even after putting the web_prefix file in \\<NAS>\admin\zy-pkgs\. I also can't connect to the Shares from my Windows Clients.
Thank you very much. So repartitioning with parted would have the same effect namely removed packages. Is there any way to save the packages including the configuration or do I have to install them again in any case?
I feel much safer in windows environments. The software packages like Metarepository or Twekas are saved on one of the two drives so does it matter which drive I remove to repartition it?
I want to re-format disk 1.Because scan isn't working and I don't want to do the repair via commandline my idea is to "get rid" of the disk an add the volume again as if using a new drive.
Worked like a charm. Thanks.
I did a backup of the disk but can't delete it to format it later on. Any idea how to do this? "Plan B": -shutdown the NSA-325. -Detach the hdd. -Attach the hdd to a pc with linux and a sata-port/external USB-drive or use a windows pc with gparted?
Hello mijzelf, thanks for your quick -n /dev/md0 did the job: e2fsck 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)Warning! /dev/md0 is mounted. Warning: skipping journal recovery because doing a read-only filesystem check. /dev/md0 contains a file system with errors, check forced. Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes Pass…
You can close this discussion. My "solution": I deleted the volume, created a new one and everything is fine again.