Ok ,thanks
Hi Melen, Do you have update on this?
Ohh, sorry, model is Flex 700H, firmware is V1.30(ABZI.1). I got mix-up just now. Sorry for the confusion.
Hi, Model is FWA710, Firmware is the latest, v1.18(ACGC.4)C0. As my WAN1 max is 500Mbps, WAN2 is 1Gbps and WAN3 is 5Gbps, i know it is not using WAN3 because the speedtest is only 1Gbps max no matter how many times i tried. The graph also show only wan2 is being used. When all is set active, i able get over 6Gbps for…
Hi Melen, Yes, except that one of the active wan, i set parameter as 5. But it wont use the last wan port. I set wan1(parameter1) as passive and wan2(parameter 1) and wan3(parameter5) as active. It will only use wan2.
Hi, i have been try out using ZyWall 110. It seems to work just using the OPT port to get an IP and add access point to it without it working as a router or gateway.
Hi, I was able to see using MIB Browser. I'm using MRTG ver 2.17.7. I use "sudo bash –c ‘cfgmaker ZyWALL@ > /etc/mrtg.cfg’" to generate the mrtg config. I have no idea what went wrong.
Yes, only VLAN interface not caught. SNMP setting is default. Able to capture all the LAN and LAG interface but not VLAN. MRTG is located on LAN side. My ZyWALL 110 VLAN is able to be capture by MRTG using same configuration.