NSA310S Log massage "built-in-service/info/Userlogout FTP"?
Hi GuysSorry for my bad English. :) I have the entry in my NSA310S protocol: built-in-service / info / Userlogout FTP What exactly does this entry mean? When a user dials in via FTP, the entry is built-in-service / info / User "name" ("ip") login FTP successorUser "name" logout FTP but what does the entry Userlogout FTP…
NSA325: Internal volume degraded - repair not available/reachable (RAID1)
Dears, I have a NSA325v2, configured in RAID1. Lately, volume status has become "degraded". The storage/volume management page takes a very long time lo load (dozens of minutes). Even after I reach the page, it stays in "Please wait" (for hours...). I cannot even try to repair or resynch the RAID. See below. Can you please…
How do I recover a volume after repair process silently failed?
My NAS540 started beeping two weeks ago. The volume was degraded as drive 2 failed. Following the web-interface instructions, I replaced it and initiated repair. A day later, I tried to login to the web interface and it just hung forever. A few posts said the repair may take a while, so I just waited... ...for five days.…
Do I need to pay for Twonky Media Server
I have a home setup which uses a NAS326 with the supplied Twonky Media server on it to allow me to to play the music stored on the NAS throughout my house and I have been paying a minimal amount to Twonky for this facility. As I am only using my NAS for this facility do I need to pay Twonky? or am I wasting my money? My…
Midnight Commander on Nas520
I`ve made a Factory reset on my Nas520 and installed the newest V5.21(AASZ.5)C0 firmware. Now I try to reinstall Midnight Commander from Meta Repository from http://zyxel.diskstation.eu/Users/Mijzelf/zypkg-repo. But MC don`t appear in the App Center anymore. In the past I`ve already used MC on my Nas from the…
Bug - NAS540 / NAS542 Port Trunking - Transferrate status wrong
If the ZyXEL NAS540 is connected via Port Trunking, the actual transfer rate is counted twice in the Status Center. In the example, a transfer is running from a QNAP NAS that is also connected via port trunking. There you can see that the current transfer rate is about 65 to 70MB/s. In the ZyXEL NAS, the double value…
NAS 326 volume con cartelle separate
Salve, nel vecchio nas 325v2 il volume creava una condivisione di sistema che racchiudeva tutte le condivisione create dall'utente in modo da poter montare una sola condivisione su windows e poter spostare i file senza grosse difficoltà, adesso sul nas 326 tale condivisione non viene creata dal nas e il pc vede ogni…
Howto transport data from old to new zyxel-NAS?
Hi, this question seems to answered already... but where? I have a NSA325 v2 and a newer NAS542 and want to transfer all data to the new NAS. Via Win it take ages. Need a hint..... tnx bht
NAS326 - switch drives on first slot
I want to put new drive into first slot. Is it possible to put my old first drive into second slot without formatting?
NAS326 - Is it possible to add drive to second slot without formatting?
Hello, I have two drives in my nas326: 3Tb in first slot and 1Tb in second slot. Now i bought third drive 8tb. I want to copy data from 1Tb drive into 8Tb drive and then I want to switch them in second slot. I started to copy data from 1Tb to 8Tb drive. Is it possible to switch them later without formatting 8Tb drive which…
zyxel nas540 bootloop after unsuccesfull debian kernel upgrade
I had bad flash of newer kernel on Debian. I had log like following:booting kernel of type uimage from /dev/nand0.kernel2.bb Verifying Checksum ... Bad Data CRC Failed. booting kernel of type uimage from /dev/nand0.kernel1.bb ERROR: out of memory I have managed to upload new kernel.Now I dont know why I am able to boot…
Re: Maximum disk size for NAS542
NAS 542 transfer speed
Hello everyone, I have a problem with my NAS 542. For some time I have seen that the transfer speed of files from the PC to the NAS is very low (1-3 MB / s). Both the PC and the NAS are connected with cat.6 cables to the Gigabit switch. What could be the problem? Thank you and good day.
Mac Time Machine malfunction
After I changed the hard disk to make a new start with my NAS326, my Mac's Time Machine does not let me log in to the TimeMachine folder admin on "NAS326 (Time Machine).local". The proposed user name is always wrong, and after changing that to admin and giving the right password, it says: "Time Machine cannot connect to…
Is there a way to fix 100% CPU on older devices not on myzyxelcloud?
I have an NSA320. It is not compatible with myzyxelcloud(I tried and it won't reigster)so there is no issue with thumbnails that is the suggested fix. I tried applying the most recent firmware on the website but it says the bin file is invalid. Have disabled everything but twonky/pythos/cig-jpegscale appear at the top of…
NAS326 doesnt work as a FTP server.
Hi there!. I bought a NAS326 to use as a FTP server. I followed all the steps in the user manual. Thing worked for a while but now is not working. The firmware installed is the lastest one.
nas326 i myzexelgo
Witam, w żaden opisany i sensowny sposób nie mogę podłączyć mojego nas326 do chmury myzyxel. Ani ręcznie po wpisaniu mac i nr seryjnego ani automatycznie przez aplikację na nasie no nijak. Proszę o pomoc. Pozdrawiam
NSA310 not boot
Hello. I have a Zyxel NSA310. Came from vacation NAS is not loaded. SYS is constantly blinking green quickly. The beeper beeps intermittently. I tried to install the Telnet boot from the flash drive - it does not work, the flash drive is readable, the screw is read, judging by the LEDs, it is not possible to boot, although…
NSA310S no longer visible / accessible via PC
Hi, My NSA310S is no longer visible / accessible via my PC. My Samsung TV still sees the NAS and I can still play video's from the NAS on my TV, but if I want to upload new photo's / video's from any pc or laptop in my network I cannot find my NAS. When using the Zyxel Nas starter Utiliy it says the NAS -status is 'DOWN'.…
NAS542 accessible through web browser GUI but not through Windows Explorer
Hello all. This problem seems to have appeared since I updated my NAS542 to the latest available firmware, as I used to have access through Windows Explorer (under Network) with no problems. I can access my NAS through a web browser and I can download and upload files to the NAS via the web GUI. But none of my computers on…