Hi i have a NAS520 , i want to share only subfoldes no the whole folder to users, is this is posible? i try it, but i dont find the way to do it ? #NAS_Feb_2019
NAS540-NAS542 UPNP and IP block for Dservice (bittorent)
Hi; UPNP configuration doesn't allow to open default 9090&9089 ports for the included bittorrent client (by the way which one is it ?). I notice too a lot of blocked connection : "Download service blocked peer: 160.178..." even without block list. regards,Simon #NAS_Feb_2019
NAS540: No volume label after deletion of sysvol-1
Hello everyone, I made a big mistake today. I wanted to install a new hard disk and found a disabled share sysvol-1 in the shares section. Since there was an active sysvol share, I deleted the disabled share correctly with confirmation via "DELETE". But now the volume name of my main disk is no longer recognized after the…
NSA542 works with ssd ?
HiMy question would be if NSA542 works with ssd.Is there a compatibility list for this? #NAS_Feb_2019
Monitoring app 325v2 NAS
Hi guys! I have a little Zyxel NAS 325v2 and I wander if is posible to install an app how monitoring CPU,RAM,HDD .. etc . Do you have something like this ? I have installed on my NAS Entware-ng and MetaRepository . I checked i little bit on Entware-ng repository and i found multiple versions of collectd daemon. I read some…
Issue on zCloud's Instant Upload
Hello Guys, Want to check with you to see if you have similar issue on zCloud . I have enabled instant upload feature on zCloud APP on Android, but I found out that I need to keep zCloud APP open in order to make the instant upload work. If I close the zCloud APP, then a new photo I takes from camera will not be uploaded…
Struggling to install Metarepository
I may have made a bit of an error in trying to install metarepository on my NAS542. I installed it using instructions for NAS central and only after that did I find this forum and Mijzelf's excellent guide. The trouble that I have now is that I can't seem to reinstall it. I've uninstalled through the app centre and deleted…
How start OMV correctly? "Failed to connect to socket: No such file or directory" at OMV login
Dears, when I insert login and passwprd in the OMV weblogin i receive the error: "Failed to connect to socket: No such file or directory" The "show details" button tells: ---8<--- Error #0:
OMV\Rpc\Exception: Failed to connect to socket: No such file or directory in /usr/share/php/openmediavault/rpc/rpc.inc:140
FW issue with NSA 320
Hi, I have the following issue. I have a NSA 320 and I tried to "update" our current FW 4.70 to 4.01 since I read on the manual this was the first FW. I entered the web interface and update menu and I upload the FW and I wait and I see the sysled is blinking on green and nothing happend. I tried the force flashing and read…
Is it possible to install UrBackup (https://www.urbackup.org) on Zyxel NAS3236? #NAS_Feb_2019
Nas540: No login and very slow access from windows10
Hi The last few days i cannot access nas540 login screen from my pc (windows 10) I have access (file explorer) to the disks, but very slow (can't play music). With my android tablet or raspberry (kodi) both no problems! In windows and android i only get a security warning about certificate. (Date's are correct) Ip-adress…
email notification via nas326
Hello, I can not set my email notification setting on my nas326. The test on the configuration of the outgoing mail is successful. However, after applying my email, it isn't stored. #NAS_Feb_2019
NSA325 not available
Hey, i need help, my NSA 325 does not responsed. When i pluged in the NAS the Power LED and the HDD2 LED is lights up. The NAS gets no IP from the Router. The USB-Ports has no Power. I try to reset it the NAS but didnt work, while the Reset there is no Beep. Have anyone a idee what can i do? #NAS_Feb_2019
Plus Drive Replacement of NSA220
Hi I have an NSA220 Plus box that I've been using for several years quite happily. Recently I purchased two new 2TB Seagate hard drives to fit in and replace the old 1tb discs (in a paired raid) that were now full. However, when I replace the drives I am unable to get the box to start up. The new drives have been…
[NSA325 v2] Are disk failure warning signs logged in the Log Report?
Hello. I've set up weekly log reports being sent to me via email. However now I'm wondering whether my NSA325 v2 includes any SMART warning signs about my drives failing etc? I only care about getting emails about my HDDs bad health. Is that possible to set up?
How to Connect printer hp 1005 to NAS 326?
I need to know if someone could connect a printer to the NAS326 that does not belong to the compatibility list.
I'm looking for a way to connect an old printer that works (hp 1005) but I can not make it recognizable on the network.
Any suggestions? Regards! #NAS_Nov_2018
Nas542 bieping and no login available
Some minutes ago my Nas starts to biep - biep - biep - ... Loginwindow appears but no login possible , rotating wheel Login via Telnet wokrs, but i'm not a Telnetguy Fileaccess possible, i can see my files and i'm now backupping :smiley: #NAS_Feb_2019
Kernel modules from Entware-NG on NAS326
Hi everyone, I have a question. Could Entware-NG recognize USB devices on NAS? E.g. I have a scanner (recognized by sane by default in Entware). I've installed all necessary Entware packages and zyxel-modules-3.10.39 from Meta repository, but Entware cannot see it. I have tested some other devices with the same result. The…
NAS540: problem with the sshd after a firmware update
Dear Community & forum Moderators, Recently I've updated firmware (NAS540) from V5.21 AATB.0 (May 26 2017) to the version V5.21 AATB.1 (Jun 21 2018) and since then i have a problem with sshd. In particular i cannot login via ssh (with password and key auth.) to the NAS server using additional user accounts which were…
NAS540, reload data from other raid
Hi folks! I've a NAS540 4 bays and I want re-use the same raid1 disks that I used into other platform. Normally mirroring drive (raid1) ask you which disk you want copy to the other, but with this NAS it seen no possible. Is it correct? How can I use the disks mantaining the data inside them? thanks for you cooperation…