NAS 326 2 Bay Login failure
can't login my NAS 326 although using ADMIN and 1234……where can I reset ? And is that useful so I can login again…without Login I can't allocate the second disc. Thanks for a prompt reply
NAS542 Drives cannot be find
After a firmware update the NAS542 device wont show its hdds on the network. Read a few similiar articles but didn't manage to find a sollution. So here is what i know: If I start up the NAS542 with the hdds in it then I can't see it on the network. If I start it up without the hdds then I can see the device on the network…
NAS542: After Firmware-Update Webinterface shows no content!
Hello. After firmware-update of my NAS542 the volumes are still accessible by SMB, but the Web UI doesn't show any content after logging in, just the background image, nut no apps. I am using MacOS 14.5 with Safari, latest Firefox or latest Google Chrome. The NAS is connected via LAN and a router. Thx for ideas!
How can I access NAS326 from Windows after the latest update?
It shows only up as a media device.
Can you send me the link to download the latest firmware available for each of these NAS, NSA Zyxel? I need this for a client, who only has Zyxel hardware in their network. NSA210 Firmware V4.xx(AFD.x) NSA220 Firmware V3.xx(AFB.x) NSA221 Firmware 4.xx(AFM.x) NSA310 Firmware V4.xx(AFK.x) NSA310S Firmware ??.???(???.x)…
NAS 540 Hot Spare
Hi - the manual for NAS540 states this device on RAID1 supports Hot Spares However the option is unavailable per screenshot attached. Do I just insert a disk of >= the same capacity as the others and the option becomes available. Does adding a 3rd disk to a x2 disk RAID 1 array cause any issues to the data if I experiment…
NSA 325 v2 unable to delete file
As the title suggests I'm unable to delete some files (through Windows File Explorer, Web Interface or SSH). Files I can delete have Admin as the owner with permissions rwxrwxrwx Files I cannot delete have 10018 as the owner with permissions rwxr-sr-x I am unable to change the permissions. Any ideas how to resolve this?…
NAS542 doesnt find drive
Today I noticed an issue with my NAS. The display at the front does show that it finds the drive in bay 1, however, when I login no drive/disk can be found. It used to work fine yesterday. I don't seem to find any logging. Can someone help me to find the issue?
nas326 not creating volumes
Hello, On the NAS326 device, I cannot create a new volume. My disks can work normally in Windows and I can add and delete files. I am using the latest software version? What is the reason of this ?
rsync User einrichten
Hallo, ich schaffe es einfach nicht, einen User ungleich admin einzurichten, mit dem ich mich ungleich der GUI Oberfläche anmelden kann. Ich lege mir einen User XYZ mit einem ganz einfachen Passwort und ALLEN erdenklichen Rechten an, kann mich an der Weboberfläche anmelden, wenn ich aber mit Putty ran will, oder mein…
Zyxel NAS540 Attached Device Copy Failures
I have an externally USB attached Western Digital MyBook and when a file is copied over, it fails at the very end. When I retry to copy the file over it indicates the file is over there. When viewing the file on the MyBook it is definitely not complete or damaged. This has resulted in me deleting the originals not…
NAS542 - cannot change default password
I use the NAS since a lot of years, but since two weeks I cannot log into management UI (with browser) and also the SSH login is not possible. I resetted the system password to the default (using reset button) and can now access the NAS with SSH again. On the webUI the system asks for a new password (after entering the…
NAS542 rsync
I installed rsync on the NAS and transferred successfully files from my PC to the NAS, using the cygwin version of rsync. In the PC client, only the volumes on the NAS are selectable as destination. These do not appear in the filebrowser, where you only can see shares. How can I access my files on the NAS side ?
DEL me please
My NAS326 keeps ssh service enabled with every boot
Hello, I am using NAS326 and I noticed this - when I turn ssh service off via web gui, the ssh server is correctly unavailable. But when I turn off and on (or reboot) the NAS, the ssh server is again available despite the fact the service is unchecked in the web gui. I checked the configuration files /etc/zyxel/py_conf and…
NAS325-v2 running low on space
Hey there, I'm experiencing an interesting problem. I'm working with zipped files a lot. I copy them from different machines to a folder on the NAS, unzip then and then delete the zip-files. The files don't seem to be deleted but moved to a trash bin. I delete files but the space gets lower and lower. I also checked in the…
Keine Verbindung mehr zwischen PC und NAS
Hallo, gestern kam ich mit dem PC noch auf den NAS520 von Zyxel. Heute nicht mehr. Beide mit LAN-Kabel an demselben LAN angeschlossen. Heute kommt nach der Diagnose am PC die beigefügte Fehlermeldung. Woran kann das bitte liegen? Ich habe den NAS520 wiederholt gestartet, half alles nichts. Danke. Grüße
Festplatte 1 von RAID in NAS325 Defekt
Guten Morgen Ihr lieben, In meinem NAS325 waren 2 1TB Festplatten verbaut im Raid Verbund. Die erste Raid Festplatte hat das zeitliche gesegnet, gut habe ich gestern eine neue Festplatte allerdings 1,5TB, da ich nichts anderes hatte eingebaut und die Reparatur des NAS gestartet. Nun zeigt er mir auch an das das Raid wieder…
NSA325 Samba share not working anymore
Hello, i have a problem that my samba shares are not working anymore. I am using the zyxel samba replacement packages. http:///var/log/samba # smbstatus -V Version 3.6.25 http:///var/log/samba # smbstatus -s /opt/etc/samba/ZyXELSambaReplacement.conf ERROR: invalid DOS charset: 'dos charset' must not be UTF8, using (default…
500 Internal server error on NAS542 when clickin' "Copy/Sync button"
I can't copy information from my external USB drive to my internal HDD . When I click on the button "Copy/Sync button" in "Backup planner", a message "500 Internal server error" appears. What can I do? Thanks in advance for the answer.