Personal Storage

Gray_0 Posts: 6  Freshman Member
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After being disgracefully exited from asking a community question about NAS520 and the inability to restore apps after a Firmware upgrade.

Like Lee 626 I am at my wits end.

After upgrading the firmware on my NSA320s and NAS520 I too lost all the apps.

I am also having difficulty in pairing my NAS520 to ZyXELCloud.

Although I am running FW 5.21, when the help notes state I should be ok with 5.20 and above?

Not sure if the two issues are interrelated?

I have now been trying to resolve these issues for more time than I would like too.

So much so, that I have mused the thought of replacing the Storage devices completely with something else.

Not a good endorsement for ZyXEL.

If anyone has any thoughts and an easy resolution I would be most grateful.

All Replies

  • monkeynia
    monkeynia Posts: 32  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary

    Have you tried the method that Mijzelf mentioned?

  • Gray_0
    Gray_0 Posts: 6  Freshman Member
    First Comment First Anniversary

    Hi monkeynia,

    I have tried Mijzelf's suggestion numerous times to no avail.

    The problem starts when I try to install Metarepository, only get a text file, which obviously doesn't open any link to download this app.

    Not sure we're I go now other than probably obtaining another suppliers NAS Housing.

    Purchased the NAS520 in good faith, to be able to save and access files remotely. Accepting the NSA320s was time expired, but when I approached ZyXEL about the NAS520 issue, probably 3 months ago, I'm still awaiting a response.

    Has caused great disappointment.

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,880  Guru Member
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    only get a text file

    That's right. And the content of the text file is ''. It is basically a configuration file which tell the firmware package manager to use that URL instead of to search for packages. Unfortunately you can't use this trick directly to point to the NAS542 repo, because the package manager adds 'NAS326/zypkg/5.21/' to that URL.

    That is the reason why contains all that subdirectories. For each NAS, and for each firmware version there needs to be an entry. But under the hood it are only symlinks, pointing to one single subdirectory, containing a package repo with only MetaRepository in it.

  • Gray_0
    Gray_0 Posts: 6  Freshman Member
    First Comment First Anniversary

    Hello Mijzelf

    Thanks for your response.

    I have once again followed your guide.

    At the  'Retrieve list from Internet' stage I still get ' Download list failed' on the NAS 520 and

    'Currently, there are no packages. Please use "Retrieve List From Internet" to update package list' on the NSA320s.

    Any further thoughts would be most appreciated.


  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,880  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    So on both boxes you have in the admin share a subdirectory 'zy-pkgs' containing a file 'web_prefix' containing the text ''?

    I suppose you have ssh access to the '520. Can you login over ssh and execute


    That is what the package manager is trying to do when you "Retrieve list from Internet". If there are any network errors it should show up now.

  • Gray_0
    Gray_0 Posts: 6  Freshman Member
    First Comment First Anniversary

    Hello again Mijzelf

    Following your guidance I have manage to access the NAS520 via SSH and running the command you identified seemed successful.

    However, I still get the 'Download list failed' after running the 'Retrieve from Internet' in the Apps page on the device.

    On the NSA320s I am having difficulty accessing via SSH, but strangely, when running

    'Retrieve from Internet'

    This fails also but I noticed that it put the 'ZYPKGS' file in the zy-pkgs directory.

    However even with this step forward I still can't download any apps.

    Thanks again, any further suggestions would be appreciated.

  • Gray_0
    Gray_0 Posts: 6  Freshman Member
    First Comment First Anniversary

    Hi Again Mijzelf

    Found the error, looking me in the face.

    The NAS520 is up and running

    Many Thanks

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