Can anyone explain this router log to me please? What are upnp subscribers?
Hello, I had UPNP enabled, disabled it now. This log is from the time when UPNP was enabled. What does this mean? daemon err upnp miniupnpd: upnpevents_processfds: 0x8e3368, remove subscriber uuid:5b55dc20-7cd6-4c41-9b2a-1e52d96751a3 after an ERROR cb: http://xxx:2869/upnp/eventing/zzuvnaqnbz daemon warning upnp miniupnpd:…
Playboy.com bypassing content filter
Other popular? sites of this type I tried are blocked. No matter what I do, Playboy.com is not blocked and we certainly don't have an exception for them. The test url successfully identifies as Pornography, but still the site is not filtered. Maybe its a bug?
PCI compliance scan fails on USG Flex 50 on 5.39 firmware
I updated the usg flex 50 to latest 5.39 firmware but still get scan failure. It's using port 5445 as alternative web gui port. And the port needs to be opened for User Auth port forwarding. What can be done to address this issue?
Zyxel USGFLEX50 and Zyxel FWA710
We run a network with Zyxel USGFLEX50 as firewall and DHCP. Connected is a GS1900-48 switch and a Zyxel Digitalisierungsbox Basic as Internet router. What I would like to achieve is that in case the internet router fails a 5G backup is automatically used. For this we are using a Zyxel FWA710. I have tried several…
[USG20W-VPN] VPN error while assigning a profile to local AP
Hello, I'm getting the below error when I'm assigning a profile to the local-ap with: ap-group-member [ap_group_profile] member local-ap Knowing that I have also the following configuration: wlan-ssid-profile [ssid_profile] >{…} >outgoing-interface lan1 *** sslvpn policy Main_SSL_VPN >{…} >network-extension network…
Help setting up a USG FLEX 100H
So I'm going to try to set up this thing and give it a proper try before making a decision. It looks daunting but here is what I want to do and perhaps some people in here can help me set it up the way I would like it to be. I want to change the address of the 100H (LAN side) from to I want to…
USGFLEX 50 ip-address change
I need to change LAN ip-addresses from 192.168.10.xxx to 192.168.100.xxx I haven't been able to find a spot where to do it?
Flex50 is offering me LAN ip 192.168.10.xxx, BUT I want them to be like 192.168.100.xxx. The printer address in the old firewall is fixed to I want the new addresses to be the same in the Flex50, so that I don't have to do new installations and configurations on the workstations for the printer.
Communicate two remote sites with identical IP addressing plan via an ipsec VPN tunnel
Good morning, Sorry to insist on my PB, I want to communicate between two remote sites through an IPSEC VPN tunnel having an identical IP addressing plan: gateway DNS I'm mistaken, it's possible by applying a 1:1 NAT rule. If possible, could you give me…
Fix a LAN IP in USG FLEX50
How do I fix a certain IP address f.eg. printer, so that it wouldn't change?
USG FLEX 200 / Block IP for repeated page visits
Salve, cerco di spiegare il problema e relativa richiesta. Su un nostro server interno LAN abbiamo un sito web in IIS pubblicato sul web. Ci capita che ogni tanto, qualche hacker, cerchi di effettuare injection di codice sulle richieste di alcune pagine web. Chiedo se tramite il firewall USG FLEX 200 è possibile creare una…
firewall usg flex 100H
Dear Hello i whant to know if possible to install protonvpn into a usg flex 100H Many Thanks ilario Orlandi
Converted config cannot be uploaded to USG Flex 500
Hi folks, since I converted an existing USG110 config with the zyxel converter to the USG Flex 500 enviornment I am not able to upload the file to the new USG. The USG Flex is on default factory setting with only the admin password changed. P2 and P4 is connected as given from the Quick installation guide. My steps:…
USG FLEX 500 - lan1 to lan 2 and lan2 to lan1
Hello I have a firewall usg flex 500 with lan 1 ( GW and lan 2 ( GW for both lan the GW is the firewall itself I need to make the two lan's and consequently the clients talk by enabling ips control I can ping the firewall from both subnets on ex: -->…
ATP-100 Surfshark VPN
Hi community, first…i'm a home user with basic network skills and try to configure a VPN to the provider Surfshark. Surfshark available connection methods: Openvpn, Wireguard, IKEv2 As i understand only IKEv2 is working on my Zyxel ATP-100, so i try to apply the settings. Surfshark don't provide a presharedkey, instead…
ATP100 + SecuExtender
Greetings, I configured the VPN following this guide: https://mysupport.zyxel.com/hc/en-us/articles/360005933219--ZyWALL-USG-How-to-configure-an-SSL-VPN-rule-for-full-tunnel-mode When I try to connect via SecuExtender, however, it immediately disconnects... The log tells me this. [ 2024/10/24 11:40:25 ][SecuExtender…
Attack ATP 800 - firmware 5.39 - ssl vpn
Hello everyone, we were the victims of a hacker attack last Sunday. From our perspective, the attackers gained access to our infrastructure by injecting code into the current firmware, creating an SSL VPN group including users and rules. Everything was detected and switched off early, but our IPSec VPN still crashes at…
Flex 200H - graph and details missing
Hello everyone, I put a 200H in production, so I started to look into details of its traffic analysis. I went to the specific page for an "unknown virtual protocol" to understand what was going on and to start inspecting it: As you can see the graph is zero, so you need to read the details in text somewhere else: I found…
Feature suggest: update GeoIP DB at boot for firewall
This is what happened to me… My ISP is a phone provider operating in more than one country. Mobile and not. Currently is offloading some public IPv4 addresses frome one country to mine, and now I'm connected with one of "another country", now provided to mine. I updated firmware in some appliances. Some of the rules are…
USG100 latest firmware?
According to the PDF file here...https://webservice.zyxel.com/eol/ArchivedEOLModel.pdf All dates "End of" about USG 100 are 2018/06/30. That's fine. But... Latest "support file" for firmware into download section from Zyxel is 3.30 P7, dated January 2015. And I found a 2016 WK41 file, named "3.30(AQQ.8)ITS-WK41-r74145 /…