IPSEC Client: Access to host via Site2Site VPN
I have the following scenario: Users connect with the Zyxel IPSEC Client to the local network Now these users should also be able to access resources which are connected via Site2Site VPN. I found the following…
need help in setting up public network on Zywall 110
Hi there, i have a single internet connection coming into my zywall 110, this is routed to our internal private LAN. I would like to setup a guest or public LAN that we can have guests, and dev equipment on, that has access to the internet only, and can't interact with the private LAN in any way. last time i tried to set…
The new Update with Public IP for DDNS
I little hard to tell
if it works due to the way it works. So the way it works is
on boot up it updates the IP DDNS then after that checks if that IP has
changed after every 5 mins. Which is fine but if you update your DDNS by
website the Zywall does not know this. The idea I had in mind
was to update the DDNS every 5mins…
Permanent connection USG60W to windows 2019 server
Hello, I have all my infrastructure protected with a usg60w firewall. I would now like to expand my servers and start uploading them to the cloud. I have rented a server with windows server 2019 and I wish I could always have it connected to my Active Directory that is within my infrastructure. I tried to connect it using…
QOS (BWM) for MS Teams
Hello, are there any guides for setting up QOS for MS Teams on ZyXel firewalls? In particular I'm interested in the USG 210. I can see some guidance for QOS/BWM but was wondering if anything specific had already been written up for Teams.
BWM for traffic from VPN to WAN
Hi! Besides a few BWM rules that I already have in place in our ATP500 and VPN310, I would like to add a rule for all users connecting via VPN. I would like to restrict their bandwidth FROM the entire VPN zone TO the WAN interface. Therefore I've set up this rule: Unfortunately, it doesn't work. The users who connect to…
USG Flex 200 URL Blocking log
Since a few days I have the following message in the FW logfiles: URL Blocking - > Botnet URL -> ocsp.pki.goog/gsr1/MFEwTzBNMEswSTAJBgUr -> Threat Category -> Malicious Sites. Once per day, do I need to worry that there is a botnet running or is this harmless?
Zyxel Launches Astra Endpoint Security to Protect Hybrid SMBs
As the boom in flexible working practices enables employees to connect and collaborate from anywhere, SMBs need to support more roaming users and additional devices that need to connect to branch offices and cloud-based apps. We have released the official cloud-based endpoint security service-Zyxel Astra, providing you a…
IPSEC errorcannot be sent. reason: System dropped
Hi By use IPSec connection to VPN300 to USGFLEX100, I get the following error: Error - IPSec - Packet(UDP) cannot be sent. reason: System dropped How can I work out the issues behind? Thank You for Your help, Juan Antonio
Where do I report false positive for Reputation Filter
A local restaurant made its' way on the false positive list. The IP of the restaurant is: https://hamachichicago.com/ I have manually allowed it for my site but for some reason their web site is coming up as a botnet under IP reputation however URL list is categorizing it correct as restaurant. Thank you,
Is my Flex 100 hacked? Traffic out of the bleu blocked
Today, all clients started to have issues getting to the "internet"No matter what web page that was requested the Flex content filter blocked. After disabling the content filter basic web is working again, somewhat... However, special port requirements are blocked. Although configured to be allowed for outbound traffic.…
USG1100: help me to manage my configuration files
I had to replace my firewall (USG1100) as it suddendly broke down. I had previously saved the configuration file (startup-config.conf) in order to apply all the settings in the new machine. After reading many forum I renamed the good configuration file (configurazioneUSG1100.conf) before uploading it to the new USG. After…
ZyXEL USG Flex 200 as SSL VPN Client
Hi, Is it possible that the ZyXEL USG Flex 200 can be use as a SSL VPN Client?
Botnet connexions and logs
Hello, I got in my daily report an IP blocking from one of my device flagged as a botnet.I wanted to get more information about it and checked my logs. So I looked for the botnet IP in my syslog server and couldn't find anything. If I seek for device IP and the datetime the event happened, can't find anything related to…
Application specific BWM in Flex 100
Hello, Is it possible to define traffic priorities (mainly) and/or bandwidth for specific Apps Patrol -identified applications? It seems to be so that BWM policy is possible to be done only for pre-defined Application Groups? K
USG-FLEX 700 HA Issue
We are trying to configure the
Device HA pro in USG Flex 700 and getting below error whenever trying to enable
the Device HA. "CLi Number: 0 Error Number: -45050 Management interface cannot join to Vlan interface"
Hi, our usg 20 is rebooting every 15-20mins with the error ctipd.bin is dead. I have updated the firmware to latest 330BDQ9ITS-WK48-r74988 and checked that content filtering is turned off. But issue still persists. I am experiencing this on both usg 20 routers that we have. Are there any other things we can do?
2 Internet connections, 1 ZyWall 310, 2 Different paths based on FW rules.
Hello All, I am new to Zyxel products and not fully briefed on what is and is not possible in general on most firewalls. I know how I would like it to work, but thus far after a couple of days doing the Google thing, I am still stuck. We have just had a second internet connection installed in our office, a Fiber. We have a…
Event Viewer RAS Error 720 connecting to a L2TP VPN (Windows)
Today I encountered this kind of problem: a (new) user was not able to connect via L2TP to the corporate network.User followed correct instruction and everything worked as intended. I tested credentials kit in another computer and worked like a charm; however, the laptop was not cooperating with the connection, even after…
USG40 / USG60 license phase out IDP
Hi, Our company uses many USG40 and USG60 devices with UTM licenses, my question is that the IDP signature update expired on 12.31.2022, the IDP service is currently in the grace period on our devices. My question is, after the grace period is over, is the service automatically turned off on the routers? Or will the IDP…