Servizio UPnP di Zyxel VMG8823-B50B.
Salve, ho Zyxel VMG8823-B50B brandizza to da Infostrada. Dovrei risolvere il problema che mi ritrovo pur abilitando sia lo Stato del UPnP che UPnP NAT-T. Questa funzione mi serve per potere configurare un NAS QNAP (aprire porte per diversi servizi TCP/UDP). La funzione sembra in un primo memento andare a buon fine, infatti…
How to block YouTube on VMG3925-B10C
How do I block YouTube on my VMG3925-B10C router? I tried setting up a profile on PCP but it didn't work. #SP_May_2020
VMG8324-B10A wifi channel auto only?
On my VMG8324-B10A with the latest firmware V1.00(AAKL.28)C0 I can't manual set a wifi channel. Also channel scan does nothing. #SP_May_2020
RTSP stream for IPC-4605N
I used this camera a few years ago, and connected via VLC to RTSP://<ip-address>:554/medias2. I brought this device back online and no camera utilty will talk to it via RTSP. EzWizard can talk to the camera and configure/show video. The VLC log says the connection was reset by peer. Am I missing something? Modern versions…
VMG3925-B10B - catch dns requests and forward to local DNS
Hi, I am running a VMG3925-B10B (firmware V5.13(AAVF.14)C0) and I am trying to force all devices in my lan to use my DNS. From what I gathered I need to: - reroute all traffic to port 53 to my local DNS server - allow my local dns server to connect authoritative dns servers on port 53 (so exclude it from any blocking). Can…
How do you wake the external drive (connected via usb)?
i have the sleep hdds after 15mins but this also puts the external hdd in sleep as well. problem is.. i does not wake up by itself and becomes inaccessible, even the file Browser does not see it.. after restart everything is ok, until it sleeps again...
enable auto wol
VMG8324-B10Acould you enable auto wol, there is no way to enable a device behind router unless remotemg is enabled. witch i dont like as i cant seem to get a correct crt loaded for it. Even enabling wol for a type of port doesnt do anything. So how do we create a crt that the router wil take?
VMG4825-B10A SNMP Mibs
Are there any SNMP MIBS/OIDS for the VMG4825-B10A that will let you monitor CPU and Memory? I am trying to monitor this device. #SP_May_2020
VMG5940-T20K Arnet Argentina
Hi,My ISP changed my old router by a Zyxel VMG5940-T20K witch It look like be newer. As all new thing, i wish to read the administrator manual, but this model doesnt appear into Zyxel's product list. In especiall, i wish to set up QOS and i need to understood how it is was applicated. So, i will be grateful if some body…
Chromecast connection problem XyXEL AMG1302-T11C
Have been happily casting to Samsung TV using Chromecast. Now find that Google Home can't see TV on the network. This happens every few days, is solved by rebooting router!Is there a router setting to resolve this?I would appreciate any assistance. #SP_May_2020
Disable dual transmission
Hi - I have a Post Office router, it transmits WIFI on two channels and I want minimal WIFI so would rather disable one but can't find how to do it. There are some settings that seem to allow me to select 1 channel but it doesn't make a difference. Can anyone point me in the right direction please? Thank you!
internet problem
I am using VMG8324-B10A fibernet modem. When i activate parental control for a specific device at home i can not access some of the sites on internet from the pc s which are not defined on parental control. What can be the cause? #CPE_April
zyxel router emg2881 - t20A > Laptop Asus > Windows 8
HI all, my laptop only has wifi : When connecting to Modem wifi it only has limited connt. Looks like modem does not assign ip adress but Modem does see the device and mac details on modem home screen. I tried Static ip config with modem(not working still) and tried manual static ip setup in windows ( still not working) in…
collegamento usb
buonasera, ho provato a collegare una pendrive al mio 8825 wind, ma al momento di provare a trovarla in rete mi dice che non supporta smb1. ho anche abilitato il servizio in Windows. cosa puo essere? #SP_May_2020
Intermittent reception
For a week my connection has been intermittent, breaking off for a few minutes or hours, then coming on again. this has happened in the past but never so often. Your help line is useless, since it always has an "unusually" high number of calls.
WLAN Router
Is the VMG1212-B30B still an aktuell model???
New Zyxel Modem Slower Than Old Zyxel Modem
So i decided to change my old P-660-TWx modem because i needed to reset my modem 5 times a day and the process took 5-6 minutes everytime. So i bought a VMG3625-T20A. It is stable and all but can't connect to it upstairs but thats ok too. I can buy a router for that. But why did i lost speed? How can my 10+ year old modem…
VMG4005-B50B - CenturyLink
I have CenturyLink VDSL2 bonded service in USA. They provided an ACTIONTEC C1900A device. The GUI of this device gives the following details:Broadband Mode Setting: Auto SelectBroadband Mode Detected: VDSL2 Bonding - 8ATransport Mode: PTMService Type: PTM-TaggedThe GUI lists "DSL1 Status" and "DSL2 Status" - each link…
PLA Configuration Utility PLA5405 v2_V7. - Windows 10 Professional 64bit
I have separately installed both Windows 32 and 64 bit versions of the utility but neither will start in full screen and can't be maximised. Running in compatibility mode is similarly unsuccessful and the utility can't be used. Does anyone have any suggestions? #PLA_Apr_2020
Powerline compatibiliuty
I have bought 2 PLA 5405v2 to extend an existing PLA 5206 network but the new devices dont seem to be able to connect. Can anyone tell me why not? #PLA_Apr_2020