internet problem

ermanyalcin Posts: 1  Freshman Member
edited April 2018 in Smart Home Product
I am using VMG8324-B10A  fibernet modem. When i activate parental control for a specific device at home i can not access some of the sites on internet from the pc s which are not defined on parental control.  What can be the cause?


All Replies

    AAAAL Posts: 125  Ally Member
    edited April 2018
    Hi ermanyalcin,

    I think there are two PCs in your topology, one is block in parental control profile and the other isn't. However it seem like the router is blocked both PCs, both of them cannot access web side, right?
    Is it possible to provide your screenshot (Security -> Parental Control) and mac addresses of two PCs for reference?
  • I am also having the same problem with the VMG4381-B10A -- whenever I set parental controls for 2 of the devices on my network, it will sporadically cause certain websites not to load for any of them. For the most part, it's pretty consistent about that when the problem occurs -- with very little variation whatsoever, some sites will load and others will not.

    Rebooting the router will usually take care of the problem for a short time, but when I disable the parental controls entirely, the problem immediately goes away (without having to reboot the router).
  • b789
    b789 Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    First Anniversary
    I see no one has come up with a solution for this problem which I am also finding.Whenever, I set up a PCP to block access to a particular URL, whether for an individual MAC address or all computers on the network, after a few minutes, many other websites are not accessible on all computers. As soon as I disable the PCP, voila! everything is accessible again. This is some sort of bug but has obviously not been addressed. I am using VMG8924-B10A with latest Firmware.
    Anyone got any other suggestions?

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