NWA1123-ACv2 only 100mb download
hi to all! I connected my NWA1123-ACv2 to the lan port of the Vodafone Station fiber router which, with its Wi-Fi I have a download at 700mb. I connected my nobula but more than 80mega does not arrive. I tried to test the cable and the port and connecting a PC and the download is at 700mb. I read that this access point has…
Add Devices - Template Format for MAC Addresses
I have a number of devices to add to a site and have scanned the barcodes for the Item #'s, Serial #'s, and MAC Addresses from the labels on the boxes into a spreadsheet. I then went to add these to the site and downloaded the TEMPLATE devices.xlsx and noted that the format you want for the MAC address is AA:BB:CC:00:11:22…
Switch Settings Clone Tool destinations greyed out.
I am trying to clone the switch configuration from one switch to another, both the same model. I can select the source switch, but when I try to choose the destination switch, they are all greyed out. What am I doing wrong?
What’s a good replacement for the NAP203 and NAP303?
Have been using NAP203 and 303’s with Nebula, What is a recommended Access Point to use now with all the new models out now? NWA5123-ACHD?
Turn ON Respond to ICMP (PING) USG FLEX 700
So I searched and can't find any mention of enabling a USG FLEX under Nebula (Fully patched as of today) respond to a PING on the WAN ports. Curious if anyone has a compass so I can find my way on this. <joke> Thanks. -stew
How to TURN OFF a USG Flex 700 via Nebula
Gee, I hate to keep bugging you guys but I do search for an answer first b4 coming here. I have always read about ZyXEL routers that you don't want to just unplug them or turn them off but log into them and power them down through the software. So my questions is, how do we do that through Nebula or do we have to log into…
NSG-50 block by MAC address
Hi Is there any way to create a "Blocked" profile for the NSG-50? I have an ethernet device that I want to be able to block or restrict access to the internet based on a schedule. I can easily create a schedule for an SSID but is there a way to create a schedule for devices hard wired to the NSG-50?
I can't save changes in section "firewall" on NSG-50.
There were errors in saving this configuration * ERR_EMPTY_PROFILE_TYPE
random disconnects with NWA1123AC-v2
Hi community I have two NWA1123AC-v2 (firmware V6.10(ABEL.8) in my house, powered via POE and two GS1900-8HP (firmware V2.60(AAHI.3)) switches. The APs are in the first floor and the below described PC is in the second floor. APs are installed on the ceiling and one is wall-mounted. The distance between the APs is around…
What Happens When My License Expires
This is the license: NWA1123-ACv2 Nebula Professional Pack Service What happens when it expires? Will I be able to view the AP online?
Bought an NAP102 device
Hi, i bought a NAP102 via ebay which is already registered. Who can delete the AP in the Nebula Cloud, I´m not sure if the seller will do or can do. can Zyxel help?
site to site vpn
Since the maintenance of 11/04 we are unable to connect to our remote sites. All the gateways are up and the configuration didn't change but the site don't connect. What can I do?
When connection to Nebula the local login dont work.
Hello. I have a GS1920-24HP. Local access is working with admin and created user lvl. 14. But statis local IP dont work to connect to Nebula. When the local static ( is changed to DHCP and get IP the connection to nebula works. Access to loginpage at works but login with admin or…
NSG VPN VLAN no connection
Hi All,I have configuration like below: NSG200 as VPN HUB with LAN interface subnet and VLAN SITE-TO-SITE connection with none-nebula peer with subnet The tunnel is running well, i can ping from to but can't reach VLAN I…
No power for 2.4 or 5ghz once the AP is added to Nebula
Hi we have had a problem with a few of our NWA1123-ACv2's recently. When you add them to Nebula, no matter what site, the power drops to 0 for both WIFI bands. Standalone they are fine but Nebula seems to be causing this. Existing AP's are all fine and the only way I can tell these aren't working is... a) no clients are…
conexão ruim para aparelhos Apple
Srs bom dia, tenho um AP303 Zyxel em uma sala de reunião, porém notei que somente em aparelhos da Apple (macbook, Ipad, Iphone) a conexão fica péssima, se eu colocar um notebook do windows ao lado para comprar vimos que vai muito bem para o Windows. isso ocorre tanto para conexão internet como rede interna. alguém ja…
How to MOVE Device Site -> Site, Same Organization
I'm in INVENTORY and trying to move a number of devices to ANOTHER SITE, same organization. I check/select the devices and then go to Add to and select the other site to MOVE them to. Nothing ever changes in the list under the sites the devices are assigned to. When I try to leave the ORGANIZATION an error comes up saying…
How to MOVE devices to another site, same organization
I'm in INVENTORY and trying to move a number of devices to ANOTHER SITE, same organization. I check/select the devices and then go to Add to and select the other site to MOVE them to. Nothing ever changes in the list under the sites the devices are assigned to. When I try to leave the ORGANIZATION an error comes up saying…
Router access
I Have two routers one -LTE 7460-M608_001 and one VMG 3925-b10b and I have small problems I have lost my password to the VMG and tried to reset with the pin and 30sec pause ,which has not worked .So when I want to access a router the both I.P addresses are the same so all that shows is the internal router which I cannot…
Nebula (nativ) vs. Nebula Flex
Hallo Zyxel Community, ich plane einen Wechsel meiner Netzwerktechnik zu Zyxel Nebula. Aktuell bin ich jedoch etwas irritiert von den Kategorien. Nebula (nativ) sollte die Einsteiger-Kategorie sein, Nebula Flex die mittlere Kategorie und Nebula Flex Pro ist die Premium-Kategorie. Verstehe ich das so richtig? Warum sind…