From USG110 to USGFlex200, blocking management from WAN doesn't work anymore
Hi everyone, I recenty changed an old Zywall USG 110 by a new USG Flex200. I couldn't import the same configuration because it's not the same model, so I had to set up the new one manually. It was not really a problem and it was quite quick because I have a simple configuration, but even with the same settings the…
USG210 Firewall IPSec VPN Tunnel Site-To-Site Low performance
I've established IPSec VPN Site-To-Site Tunnel between two USG210 Devices. Site to Site VPN, with AH-Tunnel SHA512 on both sides, with AES256 encryption on VPN Gateway for both sides. I'm able to ping hosts on both locations from both locations. The time of response is good, but sometimes request is timed out… :) There's…
USG ATP 800 multiple messages "An ip address conflict is detected"
Hello. We replace our Zywall USG 1100 with new ATP800 with latest firmware. We got multiples message "An ip address conflict is detected" after replace in ZW logs for each ip addrees in lan. An ip address conflict is detected. 00:00:00:00:00:00 and aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff share the same IP address First mac always…
Upgrading USG20-VPN firmware
I have a USG20-VPN with following firmware: I first tried to upgrade directly to 5.35 without success. The firmware file is accepted, and the upgrade seems to be processed. I have no error, but at the end the firmware remains unchanged (even after reboot). Afterwards, I have seen that it is prefereable to upgrade first to…
USG Flex 100 Firmware 6.50 ?
Hello, When I log into Flex 100 as Admin, the log file appears a line: AP firmware check successful. Available firmware: V6.50 Patch 1 . What is this V6.50 firmware? The firmware, what I have is 5.35(ABUH.0) Regards K
WOW Streaming only with no-udp-disperse
Streaming VOD and Live Streams with WOW are blocky and also dropp packages. Fix: "Router# debug system no-udp-disperse active" Why does this work and what does it change? @Zyxel_Cooldia Kind regards Felix Schneider
How to block VPN applications that are not listed in APP PATROL, like SonicWall NetExtender?if I am going to block the IP ADDRESS of the VPN server using REPUTATION FILTER, it is possible that they can't access the restricted list of applications & websites using their VPN server? Thank you so much for the help in advance.
lost password
Hi team, l have missed placed the admin password for my USG60 Firewall, is there a way to reset it via the back door, l have the serial to RJ45 cable.
Is it possible to resolve names with using IPsec VPN?
Hello, Using IPSec VPN, I can't resolve the names. I can reach the devices with their IP addresses without any problem but the DNS server can't resolve the name. Namely: There is a server inside the network that does DNS + DHCP What I have already done: In the L2TP VPN configuration, the DNS server is the DHCP/DNS server…
USGFLEX700 AP licences
Hi, I'm going to replace my USG1100 with the USGFLEX700. I have, in my WLAN, 19 AP and If I'm right the USGFLEX700 come with a bundle of 8 AP licences. Am I wrong if I say that I have to buy 11 AP licences (no NEBULA but on premise management)? What type and product code licences I have to buy?
TLS 1.2
Please assist to know How TLS 1.2 is enabled on Zyxel USG 1900?
Slow/capped(?) upload speed behind vpn (router in bridge mode) - PPPoE ISP
Dear all, Since switching our ISP (now fiber instead of copper) three weeks ago we experience a much too slow upload speed of only constant 25 Mbits/s where it should be close to 1 GBit/s. DS is as expected around 900 Mbits/s. All direct internet access measurements, not through any VPN. I am dead sure it's too slow as our…
USG 110 / VPN Configuration Provisioning not working
Hi, I'm trying to get this to work on a USG110. Setting up an IKEv2 tunnel works fine, but the Configuration Provisioning does not. I've configured the port for e.g. 448 or 4433 and configured a matching Security Policy allowing these ports to go to ZyWall itself. But it doesn't work. on an iPhone, using Safari the page is…
Ubiquity vs USGFlex700
Hello, I use USGFlex700 and I want to setup Ubiquity WiFi. I have setup some IP adress pools on USGFlex: The first pool is an interface defined as DHCP for, on which Ubiquity switch is plugged, into which Unify Controller and all APs are plugged (all of them are on subnet) I have then defined two…
TLS 1.2 Enabling
How can I enable TLS 1.2 and disable older versions on USG 1900?
How do I configure the ZyWALL for a L2TP server behind NAT?
Topology: Network Conditions: Router WAN IP: ZyWALL WAN IP: Configuration on the router: Add a NAT rule for the router. Allow L2TP services. L2TP server: L2TP service: IKE, NATT, L2TP-UDP Configuration on the ZyWALL/USG: IPSec VPN Gateway IPSec VPN Connection: The local policy is…
USG FLEX 50W Configuration Files Cleanup
Hello Forum, After upgrading firmware and making the necessary changes to the USG FLEX 50W unit, is there a reason to keep the following files: ezmode-config.conf autobackup-0.00.conf startup-config-bad.conf I wanted to make sure these are not needed for something in the future, or if they can be recreated as needed. Just…
50% packet loss after cable modem upgrade???
This is a REALLY weird one. So our cable company came out and upgraded our old router. Nothing wrong with the old one - just they're slowly migrating to new hardware. Within 5-10 minutes after the upgrade, we start losing voice path on VoIP (one direction) and the network gets really shaky. I start up a few pings to Google…
USG20W-VPN Firmware Migration from 4.25 to 5.35
I recall upgrading somewhere FW around 4.31 or 4.33 where I got locked out of our USG20W-VPN, after updating FW. I need to update customer's from 4.25 to 5.35 (and maintain configuration migration) without messing with existing configuration (including Port Forwards & VPN settings), or getting locked out. I captured the…
Traffico internet da pc
Buongiorno vorrei sapere se esiste un monitor per poter controllare il traffico internet da singolo pc da un usg20-vpn, grazie