Did ZyXEL quit VDSL2 residential modem/routers business ?
Hi, I'm having some hard time trying to find a ZyXEL VDSL2 modem to be used in a short future when I'll finally get fibre at home. I mean, a product I can see listed in the current catalog and also that can be found in the support portal for recent publicly available firmware downloads (that means, currently actively…
Send dump file for modem VMG1312-B10B or B10A
Hi. I have a Zyxel modem model VMG1312-B10B. When I tried to update the firmware, unfortunately, the modem did not boot anymore and its power light blinked. I ask you to help me and send me the modem dump file to program it, because I did not find anything when I searched. Thank you.
How to identify model of my router?
Could you help me to identify model of the router to check firmware updates on the site. I have a stiker on the router "Zyxel Keenetic" and S/N: S120F23027910 there are no any model number info labels on the router and no info in web gui.
SBG3300 usb file sharng
Hi, is it possible to share files which are on usb (connected directly to router) via SAMBA without any password? Thank you! #Biz_Security_January
Hello I try to change the psw of the wlan and can not get to the adm page. http://zyxelsetup. Can anyone help me with this?
Port forwarding for local requests
Hello, I have a Zyxel router with firmware version: V5.13(ABLZ.1)b10_20200422 I went to the NAT section and did some port forwarding rules, and they work when the request comes from outside the network. If I try to access the IP and port from a machine inside the network it goes to the router admin panel. How should I…
Email Log Not Working - Error: zHttpd: zcfgMsgSendAndGetReply : No such file or directory
I am trying to set up email log for my Zyxel VMG using the web GUI. I have set up the email via Configuration > Email Notification. I have also enabled the log via Maintenance > Log Setting. When I attempt to use 'Email Log' via System Monitor > Log it fails. 'Fail do log action' & the log prints the following error…
How to find the source of electromagnetic noise disrupting powerline connection?
Hello, I have Zyxel Powerline network in my family house (PLA5456 AV2000). During daytime when various electric equipments are in use the connection between the adapters often break for a couple of seconds. During night (when most of the equipments are switched off) this does not happen. I tried to identify the noise…
Slow WiFi/LAN bridge speed.
Hi I have a ZYXEL VMG3925-B10C. My computer is currently 2 feet away from it. I am connected via 5GHz AC at full signal. Windows reports the connection is at 866 mbps. I access another computer that is connected to the ZYXEL via ethernet. Speed is terrible, about 90mbps, no where near 866. I disconnect from WiFi and…
Zyxel P-660HN - Access and setting up a LAN
As the https://homeforum.zyxel.com has been down for over 24 hours ("Please wait a few minutes and try again") I try it here: - I work at a place without internet access.- I want to connect my Windows 10 notebook (DHCP) with a PTZ camera with a static IP address ( To set-up a small network (LAN), I have…
VMG1312-B30B vs IPv6
I would like to ask for help in setting firewall rule on VMG1312-B30B router. I tried to add ICMPV6 ACL rule with IPv6 address I want to open a port, but it's not worked. Same if I try to open a single port: If I disable firewall to Low, it's working: I think it should work with medium setting and custom ACL rule, but it's…
Hi, I have a XMG3927-B50A Modem/Router only bought in Nov` 2020 can I install/run a VPN off itVP
VMG1312-B10D Remote management?.
Hello, I have Zyxel router VMG1312-B10D firmware V5.13(AAXA.7)C0 . I can't manage it remotely I of course enable the remote management, I tried Http, Https tried to change the port - nothing. thanks rahulsaha #SP_May_2020
Cannot register VMG8924-B10A
The VMG8924-B10A is supplied by some UK ISP and mine supplies this router. When I go onto "MyZyxel" (https://portal.myzyxel.com/) and sign onto the site, I cannot register this router even though I have the MAC and the serial numbers. There is also no mention of this router model at all on the site. Am I on the wrong site…
VMG8828-B50B static DHCP limit
I'm trying to configure on my router a static (local) IP for my devices. When I try to configure more than 10 devices I get an error message. My router is the VMG8828-B50B, in the WINDTRE HUB version. The firmware version is V7.0.1_WD3.1T7d2.
Issues connecting devices to modem
We just got our home internet set up with a Zyxel VMG3625-T50B modem and a few devices have trouble connecting to it (Huawei Honor phone). The phone tries to connect but either disconnects after being connecting for a few seconds or doesn't connected at all. We tried changing Wi-Fi name and password, changing between…
Problems with VMG8924-B10A
Hi, I have the router VMG8924-B10A, and now daily experience blackouts on the connection for about 1 min? never seen this before.. I've updated the firmware to the latest. anyone experienced this before? please let me know Thanks, Matt
help understanding WAP6804
Hello: Not very tech savvy, so any help here would be appreciated. Signed up for new internet service provide about a year ago, they provided my router (Zyxel EMG3425-Q10A) and an extender (Zyxel WAP6804) for upstairs. My son has a PS4 and, to maximize speeds, we selected "client mode" for the extender and ran an ethernet…
Home Forum is beeing migrated and not " Maintenance - Please wait a few minutes and try again"
The https://homeforum.zyxel.com is not accessible with the message "Please wait a few minutes and try again" May I suggest that 1) you write there the correct information? Home Forum will be migrated to Zyxel Community 2) Indicate the correct link:…
Powerline Gigabit Ethernet Adapter PLA4205 making a strange sound
My Powerline Gigabit Ethernet Adapter PLA4205 has started making a strange "warbling" sound. Seems to work Ok but the sound means I have to turn it off when not in use.