VMG1312-T20B Firmware Download
VMG1312-T20B V5.50(ABSB.3)C0 in Dec 2020 How do I download it?
Parental Control Scheduler
I have a VMG4825-B1F0-I can't get my parental control to show unauthorized access, the gray box next to the green box (authorized). I put in 00:00-00:30 as this is the closest i can get to 24 block for certain websites and it doesn't work. My goal is to block certain sites for my kid at all times.
how to access internet rapidly?
how to access internet rapidly?
Zyxel C1100Z Slow Speed
I have a VDSL2 web plan from CenturyLink in Colorado. Shockingly, they are the main ISP supplier for my location. I was first sent the Greenwave C4000LG from CenturyLink legitimately. This modem kept inconsistently disengaging and was unusable. There is by all accounts a great deal of firmware issues with it, from what I…
it seems i can only block lan macs but not wifi mac address
tryed the mac blocking added the the mac address all lan macs where blocked during the test but not the wifi mac addresses
Can't change IP address on WAP3205 v3
I just bought a WAP3205 v3 and have been playing around with its configurations. The default IP assignment of is a nuisance for me, since I already have a router that is using that address. I tried changing the IP address in the Web Configurator by going to Network --> LAN and typing in a different address. I…
Admin login details fail VMG3925-B10C
This VDSL2 gateway is supplied by my ISP. The admin password is printed on the rear but the combination of "admin" and the printed password is rejected. My ISP claims that the password has not been changed! Help please?
Can't import certificates into XMG3927-B50A
Hi I am having problems importing a custom CA and Local certificates into the XMG3927-B50A When I select Import Certificate and choose the file to import the web interface just displays the "Working" animation but never comes back. Can anyone provide any assistance/help/guidance please
VMG8823-B50B and Fastweb
Hi everyone,
I would like to use my Zyxel VMG8823-B50B modem router with the Italian ISP Fastweb, but I was unable to configure it correctly, despite having followed the instructions contained in their web page: https://www.fastweb.it/adsl-fibra-ottica/dettagli/altri-modem/?from=landing_modem
Fastweb assistance does not…
Zyxel VMG4005 EAPOL
Hi, I have a Zyxel VMG4005 and I was trying to get it to work with my DSL provider. I can get it to train and synchronize with the DSLAM but my DSL provider uses EAPOL for authentication. I can't get the Zyxel VMG4005 to pass EAPOL frames so it can't get online. Additionally, it looks like I would be able to enable the…
Where can I download the updated firmware?
Zyxel VMG1312-T20B
Port Forwarding not possible| open but closed | ZyXEL VMG1312-B10A
I have posted the same question over here in the Nextcloud forum, but I think my problem is router related, and so I'm coming to post this here as well._________________________________________ I use a Raspberry Pi with Nextcloud Server, and I'm getting absolutely insane as I simply cannot open the ports and access from…
How to setup qos on zyxel P-1302-T10D v3?
I have zyxel P-1302-T10D v3 and I am trying to give pc a limit to not download more than 500 kbps using qos service in my zyxel modem but it is very complicated in this modem. Other modems I experienced with are easy to setup. Can you help please?
can you use vpn with vmg4927-b50a ?
can you use vpn with vmg4927-b50a ?
zyxel emg3425
I can not delete 1 parental control or add any other parental controls?
Internet light always red
I recently got a AMG1202-T10B N lite modem. Followed all instructions, but Internet LED is solid red. Cannot connect to internet. Can connect with other modem.
WAH7601 WiFi Client Function Not Working
Hi everybody. I've tried to get the WiFi Client function to work on my WAH7601, but everytime I enable this I receive an error screen: The router crashes afterwards and needs a reset before it will work again. Am I missing something?
ZyXEL Dual-Band Wireless N450 with Virgin hub3
Hi, I have a question about an old wireless adapter I use since 2014. It always worked flawlessly with the Virgin Hub 2, getting the same speed as the ethernet cable that is about 110 mps. Now that I have upgraded to the Hub 3 router I can't get past 76 mps altough on my phone I can still reach 110 mps. Anyone knows why?
help me for a script, please!
who helps me make a script that runs every week and deletes the files of a certain folder?
ZyXEL C2100Z modem
I live in a provincial zone where supplier decisions are thin. We have CenturyLink DSL and get about 9Mbps down. I explicitly bought the ZyXEL C2100Z on the grounds that it was on CenturyLink's rundown of "affirmed" equipment. It additionally had a bigger number of capacities than the model sent by CenturyLink themselves.…