Auto negotiation 10 vs 100 vs 1000

Rob Posts: 2  Freshman Member
edited January 2018 in Smart Home Product
I am using a GS1100-16 in my home and have noticed that a speed test on any connection in the house only delivers 10Mbs. Reading around the topic of auto-negotiation across the ports suggests that each is being throttled to that figure, rather than 100 or 1000. Is that correct? How can this be altered? I have a 300Mbps connection into my home but it seems that no single point in the house can use it to its full speed.

Can I determine how the speed of each port is managed?



  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    Ignore this. After several different tests it appears to simply be broken and will need replacing. Annoyingly just outside its warranty :-/
  • basxas
    basxas Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    try to replace your ethernet cables with CAT6 ones.
    10Mbit connections established when cable or pins are damaged or not even connected!
    with a normally working cat5 or cat5e (which is the most common ones) under 100m length you will get 100mbit.
    *I apologize in case you already know that stuff, just trying to help..
    also check if your modem-router device support up to 1gb ethernet.
    if not you will not be able to reach 300Mbit with a simple setup.

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