Adventure 1: Unlock the Switch Case – OPEN NOW!

Zyxel_Claudia Posts: 126  Zyxel Employee
Network Detective-New Adventure Badge Network Detective Badge First Comment Friend Collector

Dive into the New Adventure

Calling all Zyxel detectives and case explorers!

The treasure map is drawn, and Adventure 1: Uncover the Switch Case is now open for exploration!

As you embark on this adventure, looking for the clues to the networking errors on the Switch. Each discovery is like a gem on your treasure map, illuminating the path to resolution. Your keen detective skills will be essential in piecing together the story behind the case.

Team up with fellow case explorers to share your insights, strategies and tips as you navigate this thrilling quest. Join the conversation below and let’s solve the puzzles together! 🗝💎

Good luck, brave case explorers!


  • Zyxel_Claudia
    Zyxel_Claudia Posts: 126  Zyxel Employee
    Network Detective-New Adventure Badge Network Detective Badge First Comment Friend Collector

    Hello Case Explorers,

    I'm here to deliver you your Public Service Announcement!

    💡Facts about Cloud Managed Switches💡

    Did you know that all cloud-managed switches have Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) enabled by default?

    RSTP keeps a port in BLOCKING status as long as the ring remains unchanged. We can verify this under your Switch Port Settings page.

    When the network ring is detached (either by cable failure or network device failure), any ports in BLOCKING status changes to FORWARDING. This sometimes causes the flow of traffic to use the previously blocked port as a new path when crossing the network.

    Keep digging, case explorers!

    Adriana Zones

    Zyxel’s Chief Network Archaeologist

  • OrionUlises
    OrionUlises Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    Network Detective-New Adventure Badge First Comment Third Anniversary

    • RSTP está habilitado por defecto en todos los switches gestionados en la nube.
    • Estado de BLOQUEO: RSTP mantiene un puerto en este estado mientras el anillo de la red permanezca sin cambios.
    • Cambio a FORWARDING: Si hay una falla en el cable o en el dispositivo de red, los puertos en estado de BLOQUEO cambian a FORWARDING, permitiendo que el tráfico fluya por el puerto previamente bloqueado.

    El resumen es que los Zyxel gestionan muy bien las redes