Adventure 3: Uncover the Firewall Case – OPEN NOW!

Explore the Secrets Beneath the Firewall

Welcome back, case explorers!

After conquering the WiFi mysteries, it’s time to step into the final Adventure 3: Uncover the Firewall Case.

Your mission is to dig deep into the core of network security, unlock secrets within the firewall to solve complex networking errors, and claim your well-deserved rewards.

Armed with your technical skills, you’ll work alongside other case explorers, share your findings, and piece together the solution below. Let’s crack the enigma and secure the network! ⌛🏆

Step ahead, clever case explorers!


  • Zyxel_Claudia
    Zyxel_Claudia Posts: 81  Zyxel Employee
    Network Detective-New Adventure Badge Network Detective Badge First Comment Friend Collector

    Hello Case Explorers,

    Do you know how client traffic from Site-Prague accesses the Internet?

    In this case, according to the policy route, all traffic from the Site-Prague LAN1 subnet is routed through the VPN tunnel to Site-Berlin.

    Keep digging, case explorers!

    Adriana Zones

    Zyxel’s Chief Network Archaeologist