ZYSH scripts in USG FlexH

QComp63 Posts: 3  Freshman Member
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In the original version of Flex there was a Maintenance-Shell Script function from the beginning, this was very important for transferring parts of configurations between different boxes. In the new Flex H uOS 1.31 series this is no longer there, and it is reportedly not planned for version 1.32 (04/2025). Is there any meaningful replacement for ZySH scripts ?

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  • Bernard295Clark
    Bernard295Clark Posts: 6  Freshman Member
    First Comment


    It seems that the Maintenance-Shell Script function from the original Flex version is no longer available in the Flex H uOS 1.31 series and isn't planned for version 1.32 either. Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be a direct replacement for ZySH scripts in the new versions.

    However, you might want to explore the Nebula VPN and Recovery Manager features introduced in the latest updates, as they offer centralized configuration management and backup/restore capabilities. These features could potentially help with transferring configurations between different devices.