What are VCE and VCL? Also, have version 2.00 (AAAY0)C0 firmware and no manual for GS1910-24HP.

Stampeder Posts: 14  Freshman Member
First Comment Second Anniversary
edited August 2022 in Switch

I currently own two GS1910 switches. One is a 24 port and the other is an 8 port. I want to set up vlan 90 on ports 1 throu 6 for my ipcameras and I need a trunk port to feed this plus 5 other VLANS to my Cisco 3825 router.

I have searched the internet to find a copy of the manual for the GS1910 with the above firmware to no avail. All the tutorials on the internet do not cover this firmware and how to setup 802.1q vlans and trunking to a cisco or other router. No can I fnd definitions for VCE or VCL anywhere.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. These are great little switches and once I can get them going they are going to be perfect for my installation.

Thanks in advance.



All Replies

  • Zyxel小編 Lucious
    Zyxel小編 Lucious Posts: 277  Zyxel Employee
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    edited July 2019

    Hi @Stampeder

    Welcome to Zyxel community!

    According to your scenario, please go to "Configuration -> VLANs":

    Set PVID 90 (as Port VLAN 90) for port 1~6, and also allowed VLAN 90 for them.

    Egress Tagging should stay "Untag Port VLAN" which means egress traffic from the port will be tagged-out EXCEPT for VLAN 90.

    As for "trunk port", such as port 10 in my example, you should set "Tag All" and allowed VLAN 90 and others (VLAN 91~95). In this way, all egress traffic from port 10 will be tagged-out to your router.

    Let me know if any further question.


  • Stampeder
    Stampeder Posts: 14  Freshman Member
    First Comment Second Anniversary


    Thanks for the welcome and the quick response. Can you direct me to where I can find the manual for the software version above?

    Can you also tell me what VCE and VCL are?

    The only way I can add a VLAN is through the VCL menu item. Thus I'm not sure what this means.

    Thanks again for the help. Very much appreciated. I can now hook up my cameras and test.


  • imaohw
    imaohw Posts: 124  Ally Member
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    You can find User Guide, Application Notes, and Firmware here - ftp://ftp.zyxel.com/GS1910-24HP/

  • Stampeder
    Stampeder Posts: 14  Freshman Member
    First Comment Second Anniversary

    Thanks for trying but this location does not contain the manual for my version of software. If you look at the title page it is for version 1.0 not 2.0. They are quite different.

    Best regards.


  • imaohw
    imaohw Posts: 124  Ally Member
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    I don't think there was a manual for version 2.0. Not at least that I have ever seen.

  • Sakura_T
    Sakura_T Posts: 101  Ally Member
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    Zyxel_Lucious' VLAN method should be fine in your case, it's simple and general.

    Have you tried sweeping browser's cache? maybe there is an issue displaying VLANs menu.

    VCL is not a common term, the way I see it may stand for VLAN Control List.

    It's including kinds of VLAN which apart from 802.1q such as MAC-based, Protocol-Based, etc.

    However I don't see VCE in the web interface of my GS1910, where did you find it?

  • imaohw
    imaohw Posts: 124  Ally Member
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    You can click on the "?" In the upper right to get help on the current screen.

    As strange as it may sound you don't configure a vlan you just use it on the Port Vlan screen. You can then name it in the Vlan Name screen but that is not required and doesn't seem to do anything.

  • Stampeder
    Stampeder Posts: 14  Freshman Member
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    I'm used to many years of Cisco so you can understand why I find this so strange.....



  • imaohw
    imaohw Posts: 124  Ally Member
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    edited July 2019

    Perfectly understandable. Vlan configuration on the GS1910 is completely different than Cisco equipment. It's even different than most other Zyxel switches.

    Once you figure it out it's actually very simple.

    One other thing that is very different is that you do not define a Port as a "trunk" port. You just change the egress tagging and the allowed vlans.

  • Stampeder
    Stampeder Posts: 14  Freshman Member
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