Do FXP transfer on Zyxel NAS 542
Hi I only get Site-to-site Transfer Failed! when I try to move on the NAS with FTP-software, is there something I can do to fix that?
NAS 326
Auf meinem PC sehe ich in meinem Ordner im Zyxel NAS 326 den Richtigen Dateinamen. Wenn ich jedoch meinen TV einschalte und auf den File gehe, steht da nur "Stereo" unter allen Files steht "Stereo" und nicht der richtige File Name den ich aber im Pc und Zyxel NAS 326 sehen kann. Woran liegt das? Danke für die Rückantwort.
level of security inherent with the NAS326
at this great price point, just looking for a network storage device for my local (private) network that is reliable and secure for File Sharing and backkup / restore. 1. Seems that the NAS326 doesn't provide for any form of encryption or use AES encryption hardware - is there any suggestions for methods to secure data on…
NSA 325V2 create iscsi lun
Hi there I want to create an iscsi lun on Zyxel NSA 325V2 but i cannot find any relevant on admin console to do that, can you please tell me how can I do that, I googled my question but I couldn't find anything helpfull.
Remote Access NAS326
Hi guys,I have a NAS326 and unfortunately I still can not access remotely (for now I only log in locally) and also during setup on myZyxelCloud I can not set up the uPnP. So i wanted to know what ports I need to open.(from remote I can access only through the app zyxelDrive but I'm interested in being able to access…
NAS320 firmware upgrade
I'm having trouble finding the latest frimware for my NAS. The model is NAS320, but on the ZyXel site directory only NAS320S is listed with available downloads. From my admin page I'm also unable to download the FW, because the download stops as 'Remote file not found'. However, at least I was able to access the…
problem with access from external network NAS 326
Hello, I have a problem with access from an external network when connecting to NAS 326. I redirect the standard ports 8082 from the router, open an access station, but I do not see the page for entering the username and password. The page is empty, I tried ie11, firefox and google chrome, but nothing works.Please for…
Can't see files from file browser
Hi Over the last few weeks I have had issues trying to see my files on my NAS325. This is set up as RAID with 2 disks as one volume. The data is all intact as I can see it from the zCloud app on my phone. When trying to look via the file browser on the NAS Starter Utility, I see directories but not files. Also tried using…
Problem with mobile device login to admin panel on NSA310
Hello, when I try to login into administration panel on my NSA310 using any mobile device the NSA web server redirecting me to playzone login page and I can not access administration menu on my device. I don’t have problem with login with desktop. I tried to enter the address to access the admin panel manually like…
Very slow write speed NAS326 RAID1 via NFS
Hi, I have a NAS326 with two 4TB disks installed. I have created a single Volume using raid1. I have install NFS via the app center and created a single (/data) share which is read/write. I then mount the NFS share to my linux box using autofs using the following. /data -fstype=nfs4,rw,noatime nas:/data I checked in the…
Why Zyxel XS1920 doesn't work with file writes from a PC to a QNAP NAS?
If I connect AORUS Xtreme x540 with 10gbase-t through Zyxel XS1920 then to QNAP TVS-872xt with 10gbase-t, with 9000 jumbo frames enabled in Windows 10 and QNAP side. Writing a file of cca 200MB size renders my Windows 10 PC to not been able to reach the mounted drive, unless I reboot my Windows PC. Also AJA System Test…
Nas542 buggy print server
The first time after resseting all settings on my nas, if I plug the printer it works. After few days the printer goes offline in the nas and it is impossible to get to work again. Plugging to another usb, rebooting nas, etc does not solve the issue. Is not possible to remove either because an error 500 on the nas. Could…
NAS540 only connects at 100Mb/s
Hello, I have tried different cables, switches, routers. NAS540 will always only connect at 100Mb/s. This is what ethtool has to say: Supported ports: [ TP MII ] Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full Supported pause frame use: Symmetric Receive-only…
Temperatureproblems with NAS 542
Hello and sorry for my bad english. Our german forum is down an I hope to find a litte bit help here. While tranfering a bigger part of files the harddisktemperature rises up to 60 degrees. I´m using Seagete Ironwolf NAS HDs. But I dont´t think they like it. The NAS is clean, no dust inside, standing free, the fan ist…
USB Recovery Key for NAS520
Hi, does anyone have a USB Recovery Key for NAS520, thank you for the answer :) ?
Hello, may power supply for the NAS540 system crashed. Do anybody know, where I can buy a new one? Regards Lex
Windows 10 explorer disk capacity wrong
I have a NSA325 V2 with a 2TB disk in bay 1 and recendly installed a 6TB disk in bay 2. Everything is working fine, the Zyxel interface is showing a share of 6TB. But in windows 10 explorer the capacity of the new disk is shown as 2 TB not 6TB. In a command prompt it is showing 6TB so it has something to do with windows…
nsa325 V2 references needed
I have a windows 10 PC with several drive letters allreay attached to specific shares on a NAS-volume. I made a new share on an internal volume. When I click that internal volume of the NAS in windows 10 file explorer it asks me for references. I had the same problem with another PC but that was because after last update,…
Failed zcloud app connection - nas326
I've had this problem before. Forgive me for begging again....Zyxel cloud internet page finds and is paired to nas326.I have registered my .zyxel.me domain name.The 'zcloud' app goes "Failed to connect NAS ..."On my router I have port forward udp and tcp port 7809. to the NAS326 static local address ( On the…
NAS542 not accesible and constant beeping
I came home today to find my NAS542 not working. It had all the lights representing the HDD's blinking and it is beeping constantly. I am unable to access it through the GUI.