Newbie user having set-up problems

0ldman Posts: 3  Freshman Member
Hi all

I just picked up an old NSA210 and am struggling with the initial set-up. I have installed the start-up utlity on a Windows 10 machine (the rest of my devices are all Linux - if there's a Linux alternative I'd rather use it!)

The "Discovery" screen shows my NSA210. I can go into the "Network set-up" and the device is configured as per my DHCP configuration. All seems good so far. Clicking "Next" takes me to a password screen. I enter the default (Admin/1234) and the set-up utility seems to crash (I can see an "APPCRASH" in the application log). I've tried using the Windows Compatibility troubleshooter which has attempted to run in Windows 7 Compatibility mode. No luck, still crashes.

So I'm kind of stuck - can anyone suggest how I can get past this point or whether there is a Linux-oriented path to a solution?

Thanks in advance

All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,815  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Have you tried to disable the firewall?
  • 0ldman
    0ldman Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    Hiya @Mijzelf - thanks for taking the time to reply.

    Yes I have disabled the firewall software on the Windows PC. It didn't help me.

    I've done a bit more work since I logged my original post and I have checked using nmap the open ports on the NSA210 - the only open port is the FTP port. I can connect using an FTP client and can login as "anonynous" and see an empty directory.

    But still no luck actually getting into anything that will allow me to administer the NSA210.

    I have tried a couple of different versions of the Starter tool. The version currently installed tells me that it can't connect to the NSA210 and that I should check its status. It *does* allow me to see that the device is on old firmware (3.30) so maybe flashing the firmware might help, but I can't find a method of doing that without being able to login to the device!

    Any ideas? Is there a way to force-flash from USB, for example?

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,815  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    The 210 is rather diverging from the other ZyXEL Nasses. All boxes except the 220 and 210 have at least 128MiB of flashrom, but the 210 has only 4.
    AFAIK it contains only a very basic Linux system, and the setup tool is needed to install the major part of the firmware on disk. For that ftpd is running, to be able to upload the firmware. By the way, it's not only ftpd which is running, there is also something called nduagent, but that might listen on UDP. Don't know, I never had a 210 in my hands.

    Maybe I know a work around for your problem, if you don't mind installing another OS. The box has an OXNAS810 SoC, and that can boot from harddisk or flash, in that sequence. So if you insert a rightly prepared harddisk, the NAS should boot from it, no matter if there is flash available.
    The Iomega HMNHD has the same SoC, and doesn't have flash at all. So a 210 should be able to boot from a HMNHD disk. Yet I've never tried (you know, never touched a 210).
    The HMNHD firmware is basically Debian (Lenny?). You can find instructions how to install the firmware here, and the needed partition dumps here. Unfortunately you can't use disks >2TiB, because the bootsystem conflicts with GPT.
  • 0ldman
    0ldman Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    Thanks @Mijzelf!

    I totally don't mind installing another OS and I will attempt that at the weekend. Sounds like a fun project in its own right.

    Thanks again

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